Dal’s team of trained healthcare professionals are here to support your health and wellness needs.
Whether you’re in Halifax or Truro, rest assured that our qualified team is here to help.
Notice to patients of Dr. McLean:
Please note that effective December 2, 2024, Dr. Anna McLean will no longer be practicing at the Dalhousie Student Health & Wellness Centre. Dr. McLean's patients will now be under the care of Dr. Lydia Melanson (mid-December - June 2025) and Dr. Angela Stewart (July 2025 and onward). An updated email communication was sent to Dr. McLean's patients on November 29, 2024 with more information.
Student Health & Wellness Centre Halifax
Professional Counsellors
- David Pilon, Ph. D. (Director)
- Marriam Abou-El-Haj, M.Sc.
- Andrea Cameron, M.Ed.
- Jason Chatman, Ph.D.
- Nic Chanway, M.Ed.
- Neera Datta, M.Sc.
- Christine Frigault, M.Ed.
- Melissa Hum, M.S.W.
- Stillman Jacquard, Ph.D.
- Susan Lavoie, Ph.D.
- Stephanie Leblanc, M.S.W
- Karen Lorraine, M.S.W.
- Leland Maerz, M.Ed.
- Fiona McAdam, M.S.W.
- Joanne Mills, M.A.
- Heather Patterson, Psy.D.
- Gary Porter, M.Ed.
- Joe Savidge, M.Ed. (Candidate)
- Juliana Wiens, M.Ed.
- Dr. Kulli Poder
- Dr. Glenn Andrea (Director)
- Dr. Cathy Connell (obgyn services only)
- Dr. Jenna Dickson (covering maternity leave for Dr. Alicia Malone)
- Dr. Sherry Jain
- Dr. Jeffrey Lee
- Dr. Don MacQuarrie
- Dr. Amy Mallory
- Dr. Alicia Malone (maternity leave until September 2025)
- Dr. Sarah Massoud
- Dr Lydia Melanson (covering for Dr. McLean/Dr. Stewart until July 2025)
- Dr. Andrew Mikhail (paternity leave until February 2025)
- Dr, Emily Pelley (covering paternity leave for Dr. Mikhail)
- Dr. Karen Prokai
- Dr. Katherine Robinson (obgyn services only)
Sessional Doctors (students only)
- Dr. Amanda Crosby
- Dr. Muna Chowdhury
- Dr. Catherine Finnegan
- Dr. Charlotte Maertens
- Dr. Deanna Wolfe
- Shay Khadikin
- Courtney McPhee
- Natalie White
Nurse Manager
- Emma Roberts | emma.roberts@dal.ca
Student Health Promotion Manager
- Jonnie-Lyn Baron | jl.baron@dal.ca
Communciations Specialist
- Kristie Gillis | kristie.gillis@dal.ca
Adminstrative Support
- Faith Spooner
- Sharon Card
- Claudette LeRoux
Leadership Team
Director of Counselling & Psychological Services
- Dr. David Pilon | david.pilon@dal.ca
Medical Director
- Dr. Glenn Andrea | gandrea@dal.ca
Director of Operations
- Krista Cross | krista.cross@dal.ca
Associate Director, Student Support
- Hazel Ling | hazel.ling@dal.ca
Student Health & Wellness Centre Truro
Nurse Educators / Registered Nurses
- Carolyn Bartlett (carolyn.bartlett@dal.ca)
- Cindy Ryan ( Healthac@dal.ca )
- Cindy Withrow ( Healthac@dal.ca )
- Nellie Densmore ( Healthac@dal.ca )
Doctor (by referral from nurse)
- Dr. Andria MacAulay
Psychiatrist (by referral from clinic physician)
- Dr. Hugh Maguire
Primary Care Manager
- Carolyn Bartlett (carolyn.bartlett@dal.ca)
*Students also have access to counsellors, social workers, psychologists and physiotherapy within the community. To access these health professionals, please book an appointment with a nurse to be referred.