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Same-day Counselling

Student and counsellor looking at computer screen together

Same-day Counselling at the Student Health & Wellness Centre (Halifax)

Counselling is the skilled and principled use of relationships to increase knowledge, emotional acceptance and growth, and the optimal development of personal resources.

The overall aim of counselling is to build and strengthen skills and work towards living in a more satisfying and resourceful way. Skills development could pertain to coping and resilience in handling life circumstances, enhanced capacity to respond to demands and reduce symptoms of distress. 

Students who are looking for counselling can book an appointment access same-day counselling sessions at the Student Health & Wellness Centre in Halifax from Monday to Saturday. The first session also acts as an intake session. The purpose of this 30-50 minute session is to: 

  • Screen and assess your situation
  • Discuss your options 
  • Suggest strategies for coping with immediate issues
  • Create a wellness plan

Please note: Due to a high volume of request for services, same-day counselling appointments will be prioritized for students who are not presently accessing ongoing counselling. We are unable to accept a same-day counselling appoinment request if you are presently accessing ongoing counselling. 

Same-day Counselling at Health Services (Truro)

If you are located in Truro and require counselling, please book an appointment with the nurse at Health Services. 
