Exams test your knowledge, serving as the final evaluation of your performance in a course.
Exam formats
Exams may be in-person or online.
There are two types of online exams:
External exams
External Exam invigilation is available on Thursdays on both our Halifax and Truro Campuses. You must coordinate the exam and its delivery with your institution.
- Exams of up to 3 hours: $60 per exam
- Exams of up to 4 hours: $85 per exam
- Exams of up to 5 hours: $110 per exam
On the day of your exam, you must arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled start time and report to the location in your confirmation of booking email.
Grades and student records
Grades are used to determine your status in your degree program, to allocate awards and other honours, and they will be considered by graduate schools, prospective employers, and others.
All academic student records are maintained by the Registrar’s Office.
Transcripts are an official copy of a student's academic record. These credentials can be shared with third parties and are issued digitally through the MyCreds™ network. Printed transcripts are available by special request.
Questions or concerns about exams, grades, and transcripts? For more information, contact us.