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Dalhousie students gathered around a laptop




Student Accounts has moved. Our new address is:

LeMarchant Place Welcome Centre                                                                                                  1246 LeMarchant St, Halifax, NS B3J 4R2

Cash Payments Will Be Ceasing: With the enhanced TouchNet student payment platform, we will be ceasing the acceptance of cash payments at the Halifax Campus. For In-Person payments - Canadian debit card payments, cheques, money orders, and bank drafts- and for online payments - banking bill payment, Convera and credit cards (through TouchNet) - are all accepted forms of payment.


*NEW: TouchNet Authorized Users Payment Option

TouchNet/PayPath offers the ability to add an authorised user to make payments on behalf of the student. The link for Authorized Users (not for students or staff) is:


Tax & Other Receipts

Looking for tax information, such as T4A, T2202 and RL-8 documents? Please use this link to go directly to our Tax & Other Receipts page.

Tuition, fees and costs

How much will your Dalhousie education cost? Tuition, fees, textbooks and your living expenses are all costs you'll need to consider as part of your university education.  Visit the tuition and payments hub to learn more!

Awards and financial aid

The awards and financial aid hub will help you explore all of the options available to pay for your university education. We award over $27 million annually through scholarships and bursaries to help students invest in their future.
