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Sustainability campus tour

Explore sustainability features found at each of the four Dal campuses and access guided tours.

Sustainability maps

Maps by campus

Expand each accordion to reveal sustainability maps for our campuses, including details of sustainability features.

Map legend

Sustainability campus map tour legend

How to take a tour

Self-guided tour

Use the maps, self-guided tour document, and videos to take your own walking tour. Individuals, non-profits, and classes have been conducting their own tours on campus.

Guided tours

  • The Campus Tours office provides regular tours of campus buildings. The Office of Sustainability provides campus tours staff with training, scripts, resources and maps for the incorporation of green building features in their regular tours.
  • The Office of Sustainability provides green building tours for groups. Over the years this included tours for professional associations, classes, media, businesses, conferences, and others. For a guided tour contact the Office of Sustainability via email

Recycling on campus

While you're on your tour, be sure to recycle your waste. Dalhousie recycles electronics, organic material, paper and cardboard, recyclables, construction and demolition material, white goods, and universal waste items like batteries and paint on all campuses. Look for four-bin sorting systems in every building.
