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Terms of Reference

Dalhousie's Animal Care Committees (UCLA/ACUC )


  1. Dalhousie University (“Dalhousie”) is committed to the principle that the use of animals in research, teaching and testing is acceptable only if it promises to contribute to an understanding of fundamental biological principles, or to the development of knowledge that can reasonably be expected to benefit humans or animals. Furthermore, all research, teaching and testing that uses animals must adhere to the CCAC’s 3Rs guideline: replacement, reduction, and refinement. 
  2. To ensure that this commitment is carried out, Dalhousie has established two animal care committees to facilitate research, teaching, and testing that complies with Canadian Council on Animal Care Guidelines and Policies (the “CCAC Guidelines”).
  3. The UCLA/ACUC is represented on the Dalhousie University Animal Care Policy Committee (DUACPC) through the appointment of the respective UCLA/ACUC Chair as members of the DUACPC.

Functions and Policies
