Site Menu
Organic Cucurbit Production: Cucumber, Melon, Pumpkin, Squash, Zucchini
- Resources
- Soils and Fertility
- Horticulture
- Field Crops
- Crop Rotation
- Pest Management
- Season Extension
- Seed Production and Plant Breeding
- Livestock
- Ecology and Environment
- Nutrition, Safety and Health of Organic Foods
- Post-harvest Handling, Storage and Processing
- Social Science
- Marketing and Economics
- Transition to Organic
- Canadian Organic Research Priorities
Practical Resources
- Biology and Management of Aphids in Organic Cucurbit Production Systems
- eOrganic. 2011
- Biology and Management of Squash Vine Borer in Organic Farming Systems
- eOrganic. 2013
- Hulless Pumpkin Seed: A New Crop for Organic Production in Québec
- IRDA. 2017
- Part 1: Cultivars and Planting Methods [PDF – 2.0 MB]
- Part 2: Weeding Strategies [PDF – 1.7 MB]
- Part 3: Economic Feasibility [PDF – 1.3 MB]
- IRDA. 2017
- Management Options for Striped Cucumber Beetle in Organic Cucurbits
- eOrganic. 2017
- Managing Cucumber Beetles in Organic Farming Systems
- eOrganic. 2012
- Managing Striped Cucumber Beetles on Organic Farms
- eOrganic. 2017
- Managing Squash Bugs in Organic Farming Systems
- eOrganic. 2012
- Melon Medley Organic Production Practices, Microbial Safety and Consumer Preference
- eOrganic. 2018
- No-Till and Insectary Strips for Organic Cucumber Production
- Rodale Institute. 2017
- Oilseed Pumpkin Production: Fertility and Pest Control [PDF - 274 kB]
- OACC. 2008
- Oilseed Pumpkin Production: Variety and Fertility Trials [PDF - 110 kB]
- OACC. 2009
- Organic Production and IMP Guide for Cucumbers and Squash
- Cornell University. 2016
- Organic Pumpkin and Winter Squash Marketing and Production
- ATTRA. 2010
- ATTRA. 2010
- Specialty Cropportunities: Cucurbits
- Ontario Ministry of Food and Agriculture. 2012
- Specialty Melon Production for Small and Direct-Market Growers
- ATTRA. 2015
- The Squash Bee, A Native Pollinator of Pumpkin, Squash and Zucchini
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. 2014
- Viral Diseases in Cucurbits: Identification and Management Strategies Recorded Webinar
- eOrganic. 2016
Scientific Results
- Compost-based Nursery Substrates: Effect of Peat Substitution on Organic Melon Seedlings
- Compost Science & Utilizations (2009) 17: 220-228
- Consumer preference and physicochemical evaluation of organically grown melons
- Postharvest Biology and Technology (2018) 141: 77-85
- Control of damping-off of organic and conventional cucumber with extracts from a plant-associated bacterium rivals a seed treatment pesticide
- Crop Protection (2014) 65: 86-94
- Does organic farming increase soil suppression against Fusarium wilt of melon?
- Organic Agriculture (2012) 1: 203-216
- Control of Powdery Mildew in Organic Greenhouse Melon Cultivation
- Acta Horticulturae (2011) 893: 1223-1230
- Ecological service providing crops effect on melon-weed competition and allelopathic interactions
- Organic Agriculture (2015) 5: 199-207
- Effect of Cover Crops on Aphids, Whiteflies, and Their Associated Natural Enemies in Organic Squash
- Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (2012) 36: 382-403
- Effects of production system and transplanting time on yield, quality and antioxidant content of organic winter squash (Cucurbita moschata Duch.)
- Scientia Horticulturae (2015) 183: 136-143
- Evaluating Strip Tillage and Rowcover Use in Organic and Conventional Muskmelon Production
- HortTechnology (2015) 25: 487-495
- Evaluation of an Organic Nitrogen Source in a Yellow Squash–Collard Rotation
- HortScience (2015) 50: 51-58
- Evaluation of biodegradable mulches for production of warm-season vegetable crops
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2010) 90: 737-743
- Induced resistance as a putative component of compost suppressiveness
- Biological Control (2010) 54: 46-51
- Influence of Winter Cover Crop Mulch on Arthropods in a Reduced Tillage Cucurbit System
- Environmental Entomology (2018) 47:292-299
- Integrating Rowcovers and Soil Amendments for Organic Cucumber Production: Implications on Crop Growth, Yield, and Microclimate
- HortScience (2010) 45: 566-574
- Legume cover crop management and organic amendments application: Effects on organic zucchini performance and weed competition
- Scientia Horticulturae (2015) 185: 48-58
- Mulch Effects on Floral Resources and Fruit Production of Squash, and on Pollination and Nesting by Squash Bees
- HortTechnology (2014) 24: 535-545
- Optimizing Rowcover Deployment for Managing Bacterial Wilt and Using Compost for Organic Muskmelon Production
- HortTechnology (2015) 25: 762-768
- Organic Fertilization, Green Manure, and Vetch Mulch to Improve Organic Zucchini Yield and Quality
- HortScience (2013) 48: 1027-1033
- Performance of Paper Mulches Using a Mechanical Plastic Layer and Water Wheel Transplanter for the Production of Summer Squash
- HortTechnology (2010) 20: 319-324
- The Potential of Strip Tillage and Rowcovers for Organic Cucurbit Production
- HortTechnology (2016) 26: 628-636
- Quality of Organic and Conventional Greenhouse Cucumbers and Tomatoes
- Acta Horticulturae (2011) 893: 1209-1214
- Summer Cover Crop and Management System affect Lettuce and Cantaloupe Production Systems
- Agronomy Journal (2008) 100: 1587-1593
- Toxicity and efficacy of novel biopesticides for organic management of cucumber beetles on Galia muskmelons
- Organic Agriculture (2017) 7:365-377