Meet our leaders
The president and vice-chancellor is the chief executive officer, responsible to the Board of Governors and to the Senate for the supervision of Dalhousie University’s administrative and academic work. Thirteen presidents have led Dalhousie to date.
The chancellor is the titular head of Dalhousie University, carrying out the ceremonial and official functions of the university. There have been nine chancellors of Dalhousie to date.
VPs prioritize and accelerate key initiatives (often transformational, multi-disciplinary and / or cross-functional) that carry significant impact for the University, while modeling the values and behaviour expected at every level of Dalhousie University.
Provost and Vice-President Academic
Dr. Wanda Costen
Affiliated offices:
All of Dalhousie’s deans report to the provost, as does the vice-provost student affairs, the associate vice-president academic and the assistant vice-president enrolment and university registrar.
Dr. Graham Gagnon
Affiliated offices:
Office contact:
Henry Hicks Academic Administration Building
6283 Alumni Crescent, Suite 200
PO Box 15000
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 4R2
Gitta Kulczycki
Affiliated offices:
Office contacts:
Henry Hicks Academic Administration Building
Dalhousie University
6283 Alumni Crescent
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
Chief of staff
Sarah Sherwood
Operations manager and executive assistant
Florence Millard
Room 108
Matt Hebb
Quick links:
Grace Jefferies-Aldridge
Affiliated offices:
Vice-provosts, associate, and assistant vice-presidents
Our vice-provosts and associate and assistant vice-presidents oversee the operations of the university as established by the university's strategic plan.
Associate vice-president, academic
Dr. Leslie Phillmore
University registrar and assistant vice-president, enrolment management
Adam Robertson
Assistant vice-president, development
Jen Laurette
Assistant vice-president, alumni & external engagement
Vice-provost, equity and inclusion
Dr. Theresa Rajack-Talley
Assistant vice‑provost, equity and inclusion
Dr. Barb Hamilton-Hinch
Chief financial officer and assistant vice-president, financial services
Cheryl Earle
Assistant vice-president, facilities management (acting)
Chief information officer and assistant vice-president of information technology
Jody Couch
Assistant vice-president, athletics and ancillary services
Tim Maloney
Assistant vice-president, housing and campus connections
Linda Parker
Associate vice-president, global
Balakrishnan Prithiviraj, PhD
Assistant vice-president and chief marketing officer, student recruitment & marketing
Matt Proctor
Assistant-vice president, government relations
Laura Hynes Jenkins
General counsel and university secretary
John Hope
Assistant vice-president planning and institutional effectiveness and chief data and analytics officer
Sonia Beattie
Associate vice-president, planning and strategy
Leanne French-Munn
Assistant vice-president, research services
Dr. Marlies Rise
Assistant vice-president, innovation and entrepreneurship
Jeff Larsen
Assistant vice-president, industry relations, Office of Commercialization and Industry Engagement
Stephen Hartlen
Vice-provost, student affairs
Dr. Rick Ezekiel
Assistant vice-provost, student engagement and success
Quenta Adams
Assistant vice-provost, campus living and student wellbeing
Melissa MacKay
Deans are among the senior academic and administrative leaders of the university. They are the academic and administrative leaders of their Faculties. Both as academics and as managers, they provide models of performance and behaviour for their colleagues.
- Dr. Heather Bruce, Agriculture, and Campus Principal
- Dr. Graham Gagnon, Architecture & Planning
- Dr. Jennifer Andrews, Arts & Social Sciences
- Dr. Andrew Rau-Chaplin, Computer Science
- Dr. Benjamin Davis, Dentistry
- Dr. John Newhook, Engineering
- Dr. Marty Leonard, Graduate Studies
- Dr. Brenda Merritt, Health
- Sarah Harding, Law
- Michael Vandenburg, Libraries
- Dr. Mike Smit, Management
- Dr. David Anderson, Medicine
- Dr. Charles (Chuck) Macdonald, Science
- Jennifer Hann, Open Learning & Career Development (Acting)
Board of Governors
The Board of Governors is responsible for the overall conduct, management, administration and control of the property, revenue and business of the university.
The Senate is responsible for the approval of new programs and the granting of degrees and diplomas, setting academic regulations and establishing the academic calendar.
Dalhousie Advisory Council
The Dalhousie Advisory Council provides the president with international strategic counsel on issues that may impact the university, on the development and evaluation of its strategic directions and more.