Productivity and Innovation Voucher Program (PIVP)

Our Process for Facilitating Invest Nova Scotia PIVP Research Agreements 

  • Timeline to completion:
    Timeline to project start: once the voucher is awarded to an industry partner; project completion prior to Feb. 1st, 2025

Invest Nova Scotia (formerly NSBI) provides vouchers to SMEs who wish to access research & development expertise within post-secondary institutions. The OCIE team reviews and signs off on applications that involve Dalhousie researchers. If the application is successful and the voucher is awarded, the OCIE manager facilitates the development of a research agreement between the company and the researcher(s).

Visit Invest Nova Scotia's website for more information on the Productivity and Innovation Voucher Program (PIVP).

*An OCIE Manager will assist in navigating the above process map.

Additional Information

  • There are two levels of voucher awards. Tier 1 vouchers are for projects valued at a maximum of $15,000. Tier 2 vouchers are for projects valued at a maximum of $25,000.

  • The voucher is for eligible services in accordance with Invest Nova Scotia's Productivity and Innovation Voucher Program terms and conditions.

  • All funds are received and managed by Dalhousie’s OCIE on a cost recovery basis, as specified in the voucher. Funds do not transfer to the company.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Jade Jiang
Office of Commercialization and Industry Engagement (OCIE)
Dalhousie University
(902) 718-6528