French Baccalauréat applicants will be considered for admission on their ‘bulletins’ out of 20 for Première and Terminale or, if already completed, on their final baccalaureat général results. For most Dalhousie programs, a course grade of 10 for electives is the minimum required, while higher grades are usually required for pre-requisite courses for more competitive degrees.
A minimum average of 11 is the requirement for some programs, while higher averages are required for competitive degrees. You also need to meet our general entrance requirements.
The baccalauréat technologique may be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis, while the baccalauréat professional and classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles (CPGE) are not accepted.
University credit for French Baccalauréat courses
Select French Baccalauréat classes, completed with a minimum grade of 11 and a minimum coefficient of 4, are eligible for transfer credit consideration.
Please note: the transfer credits a student receives may be impacted by the degree requirements of their program.
How to request French Baccalauréat transfer credits
Please note: Transfer credits are subject to change. Due to degree requirements, students in the Bachelor of Engineering program are eligible to receive a maximum of 12 credit hours of transfer credits. Please contact or speak to an academic advisor for more information.
French Baccalauréat course
Dalhousie equivalent
Eco-Droit, Terminale "STT"
ECON 1999.06
Espagnol (langue seconde), Terminale "L"
SPAN 1021.03 and 1022.03
Littérature, Terminale "L"
FREN 2999.06 (elective)
Littérature française, Terminale "ES"
FREN 2999.06 (elective)
Mathématiques, Terminale "S"
MATH 1000.03 + 1010.03
Mathématiques, Enseignement de spécialité
MATH 1999.06 (elective)
Mathématiques, Terminale "ES"
MATH 1999.06 (elective)
Philosophy, Terminale "ES"
PHIL 2999.06 (elective)
Philosophy, Terminale "L"
PHIL 2999.06 (elective)
Physics-Chemistry, Terminale "S"
PHYS 1190.03 + CHEM 1999.03
Sciences de la vie et de la terre Terminale "S"
SCIE 1999.06 (elective)
Sciences économiques et sociales Terminale "S" Enseignement de spécialité/obligatoire
Complete the French Baccalauréat Transfer Credit Request Form.You can submit your completed form before your final exam results are available.Transfer credits will be listed as pending on your academic record until an official results are received.
You must arrange for a GCE certificate to be sent to the Registrar’s Office as soon as it is available. Students can submit a French Baccalauréat Transfer Credit Request Form before their final results are available. Pending transfer credits will be added to the academic record until a final official transcript is received.
Please note: If you have completed post-secondary academic work, in addition to French Baccalauréat courses, visit for more information about how to submit a request form.
Deadline: Transfer credit request forms must be submitted before you complete your first semester at Dalhousie.
Processing time: 4-6 weeks.
French Baccalauréat scholarships
Visit entrance awards for more information about applying for our awards.