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Sustainability resources and policies

Dal has produced and is working on a number of campus-wide sustainability plans, reports, and guidance documents.

Policies and guidelines

Through the Office of Sustainability, Dalhousie is working to incorporate sustainability concepts and criteria into all major planning, assessment, policy, reporting, and communications products and procedures.

International declarations

Dalhousie has signed three international declarations related to sustainability and the environment: 

National declarations

Dalhousie has also signed the University and College Presidents' Climate Change Statement of Action for Canada [PDF - 1.1MB] and the Climate Change Charter.

Sustainability policy

Read Dal’s revised Sustainability Policy (2022) [PDF – 515 KB] which includes key subsections replacing a number of standalone policies and guidelines. Subsections include:

  • Sustainable Transportation 

  • Green Building

  • Energy, Water and Carbon 

  • Sustainable Procurement

  • Pollution Prevention 

  • Food and Beverage

  • Waste Management and Grounds 
