Our students are the very essence of why we are here; their success is our highest obligation. Dalhousie’s diverse pan-Canadian and international students continue to be attracted to our outstanding learning environment, which reflects diverse populations, stimulating research, rich extracurricular opportunities, a strong student experience, and our East Coast cultures. We will track our success through independent national measures of educational quality, degree completion, employment, and student engagement.
- Make Dalhousie a leader in curriculum development and program innovation by providing excellent in-person, online, and hybrid/blended program delivery models through continued strategic investments in infrastructure, facilities, and faculty supports and training.
- Reward excellence in teaching, curricular development, and pedagogical innovation in our undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs at par with other core elements of Dalhousie’s academic and research missions.
- Strengthen Dalhousie’s commitment to professional development and the preparation of students for employment and success through innovations in academic programming, skills-based learning, experiential and work-integrated learning, entrepreneurship training, and community-engaged teaching, research, and service. At least one form of genuine experiential learning opportunity will be available as an option in each Dalhousie degree by 2026.
- Create a single, seamless, and digital system for supporting our undergraduate and graduate student journey from the point of first contact during recruitment through to admission and registration, retention, student services and advising, academic success in upper years, graduation, career supports, and alumni relations.
- Deliver excellent student support programs and services that increase student retention by reflecting evolving student needs and identities, including integrating diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility into systems, policies, and practices across all Dalhousie campuses.
- Expand Dalhousie’s global reach by identifying global partnerships, developing clear priorities for targeted, diversified, and expanded recruitment, retention, and academic success of international students, while also expanding international academic opportunities for all our students.
- Deploy strategies that will strengthen Dalhousie’s capacity to reach, attract, and retain students who both historically and currently face barriers to participating in our community, with special emphasis on African Nova Scotian and Mi’kmaw students.
- Position Dalhousie as a committed lifelong career partner for our graduates, offering continual career up-skilling and re-skilling to all alumni by discounting post-first-degree enrolment in micro-credentials.