Site Menu
Organic Wheat Production
- Resources
- Soils and Fertility
- Horticulture
- Field Crops
- Crop Rotation
- Pest Management
- Season Extension
- Seed Production and Plant Breeding
- Livestock
- Ecology and Environment
- Nutrition, Safety and Health of Organic Foods
- Post-harvest Handling, Storage and Processing
- Social Science
- Marketing and Economics
- Transition to Organic
- Canadian Organic Research Priorities
Practical Resources
- Against the Grain
- Organic Research Centre. 2011
- Baking evaluation, sensory analysis, and nutritional characteristics of modern, heritage, and ancient wheat varieties - Recorded webinar
- eOrganic. 2015
- A better nitrogen use to improve organic wheat production
- ICROFS News. 2010
- The Breadmaking Quality of Canada Western Spring Wheat in Organic Cropping Systems [PDF - 109 kB]
- OACC. 2007
- OACC. 2007
- A Closer Look at What's in Our Daily Bread [PDF - 498 kB]
- The Organic Center. 2012
- The Competitive Ability of Spring Wheat in Organic Cropping Systems [PDF - 229 kB]
- OACC. 2007
- OACC. 2007
- The Connections between Wheat Cultivar Choice, Breadmaking Quality and Soil Microbial Communities [PDF - 336]
- OACC. 2008
- Do Wheat Cultivar Mixtures Maintain Yield and Suppress Weeds under Organic Management? [PDF - 171 kB]
- OACC. 2006
- OACC. 2006
- Helping Wheat Compete [PDF - 336 kB]
- OACC. 2008
- Heritage and Ancient Wheat: Varietal Performance and Management Recorded Webinar
- eOrganic. 2015
- Khorasan (Kamut Brand) Wheat Factsheet [PDF - 376 kB]
- Saskatchewan Mininstry of Agriculture.
- Management for High-Quality Organic Wheat and Ancient Grain Production in the Northeast - Video
- eOrganic. 2013
- Maritime Organic Spring Wheat Cultivar Trial (2007-2008) [PDF - 137 kB]
- OACC. 2009
- Maritime Spring Wheat Fertility and Variety Trials [PDF - 257 kB]
- OACC. 2008
- Seeding Rate for Weed Control in Organic Spring Wheat [PDF - 134 kB]
- OACC. 2006
- OACC. 2006
- Organic Field Crop Budget: Organic Winter Wheat & Spelt [PDF - 294 kB]
- Ontario Ministry of Food and Agriculture. 2014
- Topdressing Organic Hard Winter Wheat to Enhance Grain Protein
- eOrganic. 2103
Scientific Results
- Agronomic and quality characteristics of old, modern and mixture wheat varieties and landraces for organic bread chain in diverse environments of northern Italy
- European Journal of Agronomy (2016) 79: 131-141
- Agronomic benefits of alfalfa mulch applied to organically managed spring wheat
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2006) 86: 121-131
- Arbuscular Mycorrhiza of Winter Wheat Under Different Duration of Organic Farming
- Organic Eprints. 2005
- The benefits of using quantile regression for analysing the effect of weeds on organic winter wheat
- Weed Research (2010) 50: 199-208
- Bread wheat performance, fusarium head blight incidence and weed infestation response to low-input conservation tillage systems in eastern Canada
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2014) 94: 193-201
- Comparative analysis of performance and stability among composite cross populations, variety mixtures and pure lines of winter wheat in organic and conventional cropping systems
- Field Crops Research (2015) 183: 235-245
- Comparative Transcriptome Profiling in Winter Wheat Grown under Different Agricultural Practices
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2012) 60: 10970-10978
- Comparison of quality parameters of wheat varieties with different breeding origin under organic and low-input conventional conditions
- Journal of Cereal Science (2016) 69: 297-305
- A Comparison of Reduced Tillage Implements for Organic Wheat Production in Western Canada
- Agronomy Journal (2016) Online, ahead of print
- Competitive ability of rotational crops with weeds in dryland organic wheat production systems
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2017) 32: 57-68
- Competitive ability of wheat in conventional and organic management systems: A review of the literature
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2006) 86: 333–343
- The contribution to climate change of the organic versus conventional wheat farming: A case study on the carbon footprint of wholemeal bread production in Italy
- Journal of Cleaner Production (2017) 153: 309-319
- Control of Common Bunt in Organic Wheat
- Plant Disease (2011) 95: 92-103
- Crop sequence and in-season nitrogen (N) application effects on organic winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield and quality
- Biological Agriculture & Horticulture (2017) 33
- Cropping systems modify soil biota effects on wheat (Triticum aestivum) growth and competitive ability
- Weed Research (2017) 57: 6-15
- Diversity of different farmer and modern wheat varieties cultivated in contrasting organic farming conditions in western Europe and implications for European seed and variety legislation
- Organic Agriculture (2011) 1: 127-145
- Does growing Canadian western hard red spring wheat under organic management alter its breadmaking quality?
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2006) 22: 157–167
- The effect of organic and conventional management on the yield and quality of wheat grown in a long-term field trial
- European Journal of Agronomy (2013) 51: 71-80
- Effect of seed treatment with novel strains of Trichoderma spp. on establishment and yield of spring wheat
- Crop Protection (2017) 96: 97-102
- The effect of weeds on soil arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and agronomic traits in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under organic management in Canada
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2015) 95: 615-627
- Effects of organic and conventional production systems and cultivars on the technological properties of winter wheat
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2012) 92: 2811-2818
- Environment and genotype effects on antioxidant properties of organically grown wheat varieties: a 3-year study
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2017) 97: 641-649
- Evaluating Cultivars for Organic Farming: Maize, Soybean, and Wheat Genotype by System Interactions in Eastern Nebraska
- Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (2013) 37: 915-932
- Evaluation of wheat and emmer varieties for artisanal baking, pasta making, and sensory quality
- Journal of Cereal Science (2-17) 74: 19-27
- Evaluation of winter wheat breeding lines for traits related to nitrogen use under organic management
- Organic Agriculture (2011) 1: 65-80
- Evolutionary changes of weed competitive traits in winter wheat composite cross populations in organic and conventional farming systems
- European Journal of Agronomy (2016) 79: 23-30
- Factors limiting the grain protein content of organic winter wheat in south-eastern France: a mixed-model approach
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2009) 29: 565-574
- Field scale functional agrobiodiversity in organic wheat: Effects on weed reduction, disease susceptibility and yield
- European Journal of Agronomy (2016) 76: 1-16
- Functional agrobiodiversity and agroecosystem services in sustainable wheat production. A review
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2014) 34: 327-348
- Fungal communities in organically grown winter wheat affected by plant organ and development stage
- European Journal of Plant Pathology (2016) 401-417
- Genotype × Environment Interactions for Mineral Concentration in Grain of Organically Grown Spring Wheat
- Agronomy Journal (2011) 103: 1734-1741
- Healthy food from organic wheat: choice of genotypes for production and breeding
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2012) 92: 2826-2832
- Impact of reduced tillage on greenhouse gas emissions and soil carbon stocks in an organic grass-clover ley - winter wheat cropping sequence
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2017) 239: 324-333
- Impact of Spring Wheat Planting Density, Row Spacing, and Mechanical Weed Control on Yield, Grain Protein, and Economic Return in Maine
- Weed Science (2012) 60: 244-253
- Influence of durum wheat-faba bean intercrop on specific quality traits of organic durum wheat
- Biological Agriculture & Horticulture (2017) 33: 28-39
- Influence of the Production Method on Phytochemical Concentrations in Whole Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): A Comparative Study
- Organic Eprints. 2014
- Organic Eprints. 2014
- In-Season Nitrogen Effects on Organic Hard Red Winter Wheat Yield and Quality
- Agronomy Journal (2013) 105: 1167-1175
- The influence of crop rotation on the mineral nutrient content of organic vs. conventionally produced wheat grain: Preliminary results from a long-term field study
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2009) 89: 915-919
- Leaf spotting reaction of spring common, durum and spelt wheat, and Kamut under organic management in western Canada
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2014) 94: 929-935
- Local and neighbourhood effects of organic and conventional wheat management on aphids, weeds, and foliar diseases
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2012) 161: 121-129
- The long-term effects of conventional and organic cropping systems, tillage managements and weather conditions on yield and grain quality of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) in the Mediterranean environment of Central Italy
- Field Crops Research (2015) 176: 34-44
- Management Options for Organic Winter Wheat Production under Climate Change
- Organic Farming (2016) 2 (1)
- Mechanical control of clover improves nitrogen supply and growth of wheat in winter wheat/white clover intercropping
- European Journal of Agronomy 24 (2006) 149–155
- A Meta-Analysis of Maize and Wheat Yields in Low-Input vs. Conventional and Organic Systems
- Agronomy Journal (2016) 108: 1155-1167
- Mycorrhizal colonization, P uptake and yield of older and modern wheats under organic management
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2011) 91: 663-667
- Negative and positive contributions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal taxa to wheat production and nutrient uptake efficiency in organic and conventional systems in the Canadian prairie
- Soil Biology and Biochemistry (2014) 74: 156-166
- New challenges to improve organic bread wheat production in Europe
- Organic Eprints. 2011
- Nitrogen Fertilization Strategies for Organic Wheat Production: Crop Yield and Nitrate Leaching
- Agronomy Journal (2016) 108: 770-781
- Nitrogen fertility in semiarid dryland wheat production is challenging for beginning organic farmers
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2014) 29: 42-47
- Nitrogen Management of Organic Winter Wheat: Decision-Making Through Model-Based Explorations
- Organic Eprints. 2005
- Nitrogen supply in conventional versus organic farming systems: effects on the performance of cereal aphids
- Organic Agriculture (2013) 3: 129-139
- Nitrogen use efficiency in an 11-year study of conventional and organic wheat cultivation
- Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (2006) 37: 417-449
- Nutrient use efficiency and arbuscular mycorrhizal root colonisation of winter wheat cultivars in different farming systems of the DOK long-term trial
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2010) 90: 2027-2038
- Organic selection may improve yield efficiency in spring wheat: A preliminary analysis
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2017) 97: 298-307
- Organic wheat performance following conventional and non-inversion tillage systems
- Biological Agriculture & Horticulture (2013) 29: 236-243
- Pea green manure management affects organic winter wheat yield and quality in semiarid Montana
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2011) 91: 497-508
- Performance of Winter Wheat Cultivars in Organic and Conventional Farming Systems
- Organic Eprints. 2010
- Perspectives to breed for improved baking quality wheat varieties adapted to organic growing conditions
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2012) 92: 207-215
- Phenolic acid concentrations in organically and conventionally cultivated spring and winter wheat
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2011) 91: 1089-1095
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2011) 91: 1089-1095
- Producing organic wheat with high grain protein content: the significance of intercropping and the need for diagnostic tools
- Organic Eprints. 2011
- Productivity, quality and sustainability of winter wheat under long-term conventional and organic management in Switzerland
- European Journal of Agronomy (2015) 65: 27-39
- Productivity and nitrogen benefits of late-season legume cover crops in organic wheat production
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2014) 94: 771-783
- Realized gains from selection for spring wheat grain yield are different in conventional and organically managed systems
- Euphytica (2011) 177: 253-266
- Reduced inter-row distance improves yield and competition against weeds in a semi-dwarf durum wheat variety
- European Journal of Agronomy (2017) 85: 69-77
- Response of common wheat varieties to organic and conventional production systems across Italian locations, and implications for selection
- Field Crops Research (2010) 116: 230-238
- Road verges and winter wheat fields as resources for wild bees in agricultural landscapes
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2013) 173: 66-71
- Root rot severity and fungal populations in spring common, durum and spelt wheat, and Kamut grown under organic management in western Canada
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2014) 94: 937-946
- Seed distance in relation to row distance: Effect on grain yield and weed biomass in organically grown winter wheat, spring wheat and spring oats
- Field Crops Research (2012) 134: 144-152
- Selection of winter durum genotypes grown under conventional and organic conditions in different European regions
- Euphytica (2017) 213: 169
- Should spring wheat breeding for organically managed systems be conducted on organically managed land?
- Euphytica (2009) 169: 239-252
- Small-scale agricultural landscapes and organic management support wild bee communities of cereal field boundaries
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2018) 254:92-98
- The soil microbial community and grain micronutrient concentration of historical and modern hard red spring wheat cultivars grown organically and conventionally in the black soil zone of the Canadian Prairies
- Sustainability (2011) 3: 500-517
- Spring wheat genotypes differentially alter soil microbial communities and wheat breadmaking quality in organic and conventional systems
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2011) 91: 485-495
- Spring wheat yield response to variable seeding rates in organic farming systems at different fertility regimes
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2008) 88: 43-52
- Structuring an Efficient Organic Wheat Breeding Program
- Sustainability (2011) 3: 1190-1205
- Sustainability (2011) 3: 1190-1205
- Suitability of legume cover crop-winter wheat intercrops on the semi-arid Canadian Prairies
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2010) 90: 479-488
- Suppressing weed growth after wheat harvest with underseeded red clover in organic farming
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2016) 31: 185-190
- Transition cropping system impacts on organic wheat yield and quality
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2015) 30: 461-472
- The Weed-Competitive Ability of Canada Western Red Spring Wheat Cultivars Grown under Organic Management
- Crop Science (2007) 47:1167–1176
- Weed, disease and grain yield effects of cultivar mixtures in organically managed spring wheat
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2007) 87: 855–859
- Weed manifestation under different tillage and legume undersowing in organic wheat
- Biological Agriculture & Horticulture (2014) 30: 253-263
- Weeds promote the development of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in organic wheat fields
- Organic Eprints. 2014
- Organic Eprints. 2014
- Wheat yield and quality as influenced by reduced tillage in organic farming
- Organic Agriculture (2014) 4: 1-13
- Yield and baking quality of winter wheat cultivars in different farming systems of the DOK long-term trial
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2009) 89: 2477-2491
- Yield performance in heritage spring wheat and barley varieties in organic farming
- Organic Eprints. 2013
- Yield variation in organic winter wheat: a diagnostic study in the Southeast of France
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2005) 25: 213-223