Site Menu
Organic Barley Production
- Resources
- Soils and Fertility
- Horticulture
- Field Crops
- Crop Rotation
- Pest Management
- Season Extension
- Seed Production and Plant Breeding
- Livestock
- Ecology and Environment
- Nutrition, Safety and Health of Organic Foods
- Post-harvest Handling, Storage and Processing
- Social Science
- Marketing and Economics
- Transition to Organic
- Canadian Organic Research Priorities
Practical Resources
- Organic Field Crop Budget: Organic Barley & Oats [PDF - 294 kB]
- Ontario Ministry of Food and Agriculture. 2014
- Organic Seed Treatments in Barley Production [PDF - 192 kB]
- OACC. 2009
Scientific Results
- Aphid performance and population development on their host plants is affected by weed–crop interactions
- Journal of Applied Ecology (2013) 50: 1281-1288
- Barley–hairy vetch mixture as cover crop for green manuring and the mitigation of N leaching risk
- European Journal of Agronomy (2014) 54: 34-39
- Combining mechanical rhizome removal and cover crops for Elytrigia repens control in organic barley systems
- Weed Research (2013) 53: 461-469
- Comparison of interconnections between barley breeding material traits under organic and conventional growing conditions
- Organic Eprints. 2011
- Comparison of Selection Efficiency for Spring Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under Organic and Conventional Farming Conditions
- Crop Science (2017) 57: 626-636
- Effect of sowing date and variety on yield and weed populations in a lentil–barley mixture
- The Journal of Agricultural Science (2013) 151: 672-681
- Evolutionary breeding for sustainable agriculture: Selection and multi-environmental evaluation of barley populations and lines
- Field Crops Research (2017) 204: 76-88
- Improving weed management in organic spring barley: physical weed control vs. interspecific competition
- Weed Research (2010) 50: 597-605
- Integrating cropping systems with cultural techniques augments wild oat (Avena fatua) management in barley (Hordeum vulgare)
- Weed Science (2009) 57: 326-337
- Morphological diversity in a barley composite cross-derived population evolved under low-input conditions and its relationship with molecular diversity: indications for breeding
- The Journal of Agricultural Science (2016) 154: 943-959
- Organic farming affects the biological control of hemipteran pests and yields in spring barley independent of landscape complexity
- Landscape Ecology (2016) 31: 567-579
- Performance of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) varieties under organic and conventional conditions
- Euphytica (2014) 197: 279-293
- Prediction of Grain Yield of Spring Barley Varieties by Disease and Growth Characteristics from VCU Testing
- Organic Eprints. 2005
- Understanding effects of multiple farm management practices on barley performance
- European Journal of Agronomy (2017) 90: 43-52
- Up to 92% increase of cancer-preventing lunasin in organic spring barley
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2014) 34: 783-791
- Yield performance in heritage spring wheat and barley varieties in organic farming
- Organic Eprints. 2013