Site Menu
The Ecology and Environmental Effects of Organic Agriculture
- Resources
- Soils and Fertility
- Horticulture
- Field Crops
- Crop Rotation
- Pest Management
- Season Extension
- Seed Production and Plant Breeding
- Livestock
- Ecology and Environment
- Nutrition, Safety and Health of Organic Foods
- Post-harvest Handling, Storage and Processing
- Social Science
- Marketing and Economics
- Transition to Organic
- Canadian Organic Research Priorities
General resources on the ecological and environmental impacts of organic agriculture
Practical Resources
- Designing Sustainable Farming Systems with Dr. Martin Entz
- Prairie Organics: Think Whole Farm Recorded Presentations. 2016
- Prairie Organics: Think Whole Farm Recorded Presentations. 2016
- Ecological Farming Systems on the Canadian Prairies: A Path to Profitability, Sustainability and Resilience [PDF - 979 kB]
- Natural Systems Agriculture. 2013
- Natural Systems Agriculture. 2013
- Good to great with Tom Frantzen
- Prairie Organics: Think Whole Farm Recorded Presentations. 2016
- Horizontal activities such as environmental and sustainability audits, cost-benefit analyses and socio-economic impact assessments [PDF - 315 kB]
- European Union Integrated Project "Quality Low Input Food". 2009
- Increasing Agricultural Sustainability Through Organic Farming: Outcomes from the 2016 Organic Confluences Summit [PDF – 3.4MB]
- The Organic Center. 2017
- Life-Cycle Assessment in Agricultural Systems
- ATTRA. 2013
- Life cycle assessments of organic foods
- FiBL. 2017
- The Long-Term Agroecological Research (LTAR) experiment: Ecological benefits of organic crop rotations in terms of crop yields, soil quality, global climate change mitigation and economic performance [PDF - 82 kB]
- Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. 2014
- Organic 3.0 for truly sustainable farming & consumption: Discussion paper
- IFOAM. 2015
- Organic Agriculture: A Productive Means of Low-carbon and High Biodiversity Food Production
- Organic Eprints. 2014
- Organic Eprints. 2014
- Organic Food and Farming: A system approach to meet the sustainability challenge [PDF - 1.2 MB]
- IFOAM. 2010
- Redesigning Canadian prairie cropping systems
- Natural Systems Agriculture. 2016
- Resilience and Innovation in Organic Farming with Dr. Caroline Halde
- Prairie Organics: Think Whole Farm Recorded Presentations. 2016
- Resource Efficiency and Organic Farming: Facing up to the challenge [PDF - 962 kB]
- IFOAM. 2011
- Rodale Institute: The Farming Systems Trial Celebrating 30 Years [PDF - 2.0 MB]
- Rodale Institute
- The Science Behind Organic Environmentalism Video
- Special Information on Food Waste:
- Food wastage footprint: Full-cost accounting [PDF - 2.1 MB]
- FAO. 2014
- Mitigation of food wastage: Societal costs and benefits [PDF - 2.7 MB]
- FAO. 2014
- Food wastage footprint: Full-cost accounting [PDF - 2.1 MB]
- Sustainability and quality of organic food [PDF - 6.1 MB]
- FiBL. 2015
- Tools for Managing Pest and Environmental Risks to Organic Crops in the Upper Midwest
- University of Minnesota. 2010
Scientific Results
- Agronomic and environmental implications of organic farming systems
- Advances in Agronomy (2001) 70: 261-262
- Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture: A Review
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2009) 29: 1-6
- Assessing a farm's sustainability: Insights from resilience thinking
- International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (2010) 8: 186-198
- Assessing the ecological soundness of organic and conventional agriculture by means of life cycle assessment (LCA) - a case study of leek production
- British Food Journal (2009) 111: 1028-1061
- Assessing the Sustainability Performance of Organic Farms in Denmark
- Sustainability (2016) 8(9): 957
- Assessment of the environmental sustainability of organic farming: Definitions, indicators and the major challenges
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2012) 92: 981-996
- Can the Life Cycle Assessment methodology be adopted to support a single farm on its environmental impacts forecast evaluation between conventional and organic production? An Italian case study
- Journal of Cleaner Production (2014) 69: 49-59
- Commercial Crop Yields Reveal Strengths and Weaknesses for Organic Agriculture in the United States
- PLoS ONE (2016) 11(8): e0161673
- Comparing the environmental impacts of pasture-based and confinement-based dairy systems in Nova Scotia (Canada) using life cycle assessment
- International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (2009) 7: 19-41
- Cost-effectiveness of organic farming for achieving environmental policy targets in Switzerland
- Organic Eprints. 2009
- Crop Production and Environmental Effects in Conventional and Organic Vegetable Farming Systems: The Case of a Long-Term Experiment in Mediterranean Conditions (Central Italy)
- Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (2012) 36: 599-619
- Design, rationale and methodological considerations for a long term alternative cropping experiment in the Canadian plain region
- European Journal of Agronomy (2010) 32: 73-79
- Does organic farming reduce environmental impacts? – A meta-analysis of European research
- Journal of Environmental Management (2012) 112: 309-320
- Ecological and economic evaluation of Dutch egg production systems
- Livestock Science (2011) 139: 109-121
- Ecological impact of wheat and spelt production under industrial and alternative farming systems
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2012) 27: 242-250
- Ecology in Sustainable Agriculture Practices and Systems
- Critical Reviews in Plant Science (2011) 30: 64-73
- Economic and environmental evaluation of three goal-vision based scenarios for organic dairy farming in Denmark
- Agricultural Systems (2011) 104: 315-325
- Effect of origin and composition of diet on ecological impact of the organic egg production chain
- Livestock Science (2013) 151: 271-283
- Environmental assessment of organic soybean (Glycine max.) imported from China to Denmark: a case study
- Journal of Cleaner Production (2010) 18: 1431-1439
- Environmental assessment of organic juice imported to Denmark: a case study on oranges (Citrus sinensis) from Brazil
- Organic Agriculture (2011) 1: 167-185
- Environmental, Energetic, and Economic Comparisons of Organic and Conventional Farming Systems
- BioScience (2005) 55: 573-582
- Environmental Impact of Different Agricultural Management Practices: Conventional vs. Organic Agriculture
- Critical Reviews in Plant Science (2011) 30: 95-124
- Environmental Impact of Organic Agriculture
- Advances in Agronomy (2016) 139: 99-152
- Environmental impacts of organic and conventional agricultural products - Are the differences captured by life cycle assessment?
- Journal of Environmental Management (2015) 149: 193-208
- Environmental impacts of organic agriculture: a Canadian perspective
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2009) 89: 621-628
- Environmental impacts of organic agriculture in temperate regions
- CAB Reviews (2012) 7, No. 010
- Evaluating the environmental impacts of conventional and organic apple production in Nova Scotia, Canada, through life cycle assessment
- Journal of Cleaner Production (2015) 104: 40-51
- How organic farmers practice conservation agriculture in Europe
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2016) 31: 72-85
- Integrating agroecological processes into cropping systems research
- Journal of Crop Improvement (2004) 11: 61-80
- Life cycle analysis reveals higher agroecological benefits of organic and low-input apple production
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2013) 33: 581-592
- A Life-Cycle Approach to Characterising Environmental and Economic Impacts of Multifunctional Land-Use Systems: An Integrated Assessment in the UK
- Sustainability (2010) 2: 3747-3776
- Life cycle assessment (LCA) for apple orchard production systems including low and high productive years in conventional, integrated and organic farms
- Agricultural Systems (2017) 153: 81-93
- Life cycle assessment of conventional and organic milk production in the Netherlands
- Agricultural Systems (2008) 96: 95-107
- Life Cycle Assessment of organic and conventional apple supply chains in the North of Italy
- Journal of Cleaner Production (2016) 410: 654-66
- Life cycle assessment of organic versus conventional agriculture. A case study of lettuce cultivation in Greece
- Journal of Cleaner Production (2016) 112: 2462-2471
- Life cycle assessment of Swiss farming systems: I. Integrated and organic farming
- Agricultural Systems (2011) 104: 217-232
- Life cycle environmental impacts of wine production and consumption in Nova Scotia, Canada
- Journal of Cleaner Production (2012) 27: 11-20
- Measuring and Communicating the Environmental Benefits of Organic Food Production
- Plant Management Network. 2006
- A meta-analysis of the differences in environmental impacts between organic and conventional farming
- British Food Journal (2009) 111: 1098-1119
- Mixed crop-livestock systems: an economic and environmental-friendly way of farming?
- animal (2012) 6: 1722-1730
- A new method for analyzing agricultural land-use efficiency, and its application in organic and conventional farming systems in southern Germany
- European Journal of Agronomy (2017) 83: 15-27
- A novel index of land use intensity for organic and conventional farming of Mediterranean cereal fields
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2011) 31: 699-707
- Organic agriculture in the twenty-first century
- Nature Plants (2016) 2: 15221
- Parameters affecting the environmental impact of a range of dairy farming systems in Denmark, Germany and Italy
- Journal of Cleaner Production (2013) 54: 133-141
- Productive, environmental and economic performances assessments of organic and conventional suckler cattle farming systems
- Organic Agriculture (2011) 1: 1-16
- Quantifying the impacts of ecological restoration on biodiversity and ecosystem services in agroecosystems: A global meta-analysis
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2015) 202: 223-231
- Review: Redesigning Canadian prairie cropping systems for profitability, sustainability, and resilience
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2015) 95: 1049-1072
- The role of catch crops in the ecological intensification of spring cereals in organic farming under Nordic climate
- European Journal of Agronomy (2012) 44: 98-108
- A safe operating space for humanity
- Nature (2009) 461: 472-475
- Spatial analysis of the participation in agri-environment measures for organic farming
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2016) 31: 375-386
- Stockless organic farming: strengths and weaknesses evidenced by a multicriteria sustainability assessment model
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2013) 33: 593-608
- Scenario Modeling Potential Eco-efficiency Gains from a Transition to Organic Agriculture: Life Cycle Perspectives on Canadian Canola, Corn, Soy and Wheat Production
- Environmental Management (2008) 42: 989-1001
- Sustainability of organic food production: challenges and innovations
- Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2015) 74: 83-88
- A two-stage DEA approach for quantifying and analysing the inefficiency of conventional and organic rain-fed cereals in Spain
- Journal of Cleaner Production (2017) 149: 335-348
- Using minimum tillage to improve the efficiency of ecosystem service delivery on organic farms
- Organic Eprints. 2012
- Organic Eprints. 2012