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Current students

Two people, one with short textured hair and another with longer textured hair sitting in a classroom, observing an unseen speaker.

Supporting your success

As a graduate student, you’re one of more than 3,800 scholars studying across four campuses and 12 faculties. You will find information you need no matter what your academic pursuit on this website and our myDal site, which requires your NetID and password to log in. On our website you’ll find information about scholarships, professional development and life as a graduate student, and on myDal you will be able to access important forms and information to guide your course registration, funding maintenance, thesis defence and much more. 

Information on myDal

A student with short hair is standing at a large screen displaying an infographic with different colour circles.

Theses and defences

Writing and defending a thesis represents the culmination of your graduate work. The Faculty of Graduate Studies organizes defences for PhD candidates, and facilitates thesis format checking and submission for all graduate students. 

A person with short black hair sitting with a laptop with a view of the Halifax harbour.


Follow the links below to navigate course registration and other related activities throughout your studies at Dal. 

A person wth long brown hair and glasses wearing a grey sleeveless dress has their arms folded in front of the Henry Hicks building.


Learn how to manage your funding, explore facilities on campus available to you and learn more about how to navigate your relationship with your supervisor. 

Scholarships and bursaries

Accepting and maintaining your awards


2 people sit in front of a computer during a meeting

Graduate Studies Information System (GSIS)

Discover how to manage your program requirements and how to submit progress reports through GSIS.

Program requirements

Progress reports


2 students pose indoors

Student resources and support

Discover a range of resources to support your academic, professional and personal success while studying at Dalhousie.
