Posted: March 18, 2025
By: Emm Campbell
Walking through Dalhousie’s Aquatron Laboratory on a February morning, Nayla Sernowsky (BSc’24) pauses in front of a tank. A close look reveals an orange-hued, deep-sea octopus scuttling about almost hidden from view.
Sernowsky, an aquarist at the lab, is encouraged by what she sees. “We've been exploring what kind of enrichment and hiding places we need to add to the tank to make the octopus happy and figuring out her diet,” she says.
“We’ve noticed that when she is not in the mood to eat, she will hide somewhere we can’t find her, and she’ll probably be completely white. Whereas on days when she’s showing a lot more activity and interacting with us, she’s much more of a bright yellow or orange. Those are the signs we use to know she’s doing well.”
Since summer 2024, Sernowsky and her Aquatron colleagues have been collecting marine species from the waters around Nova Scotia in preparation for the opening of the Beaty Centre for Marine Biodiversity, scheduled for late 2025. This first-of-its-kind interactive ocean and science discovery centre will showcase both the diversity of marine life in the region and related research at Dalhousie.

Sernowsky says the centre will feature aquaria containing plants and animals collected just off the province’s coast. Some species are native to the region and may be familiar to the Centre’s visitors, such as sea stars, sea cucumbers, and pipe fish. Others are invasive species, such as green crabs, which outcompete with native crabs and disrupt the shellfish industry.
“There will be seven unique exhibits that will highlight marine habitats ranging from shallow coastal waters all the way to the deep ocean,” Sernowsky explains.
“Each exhibit will have a tablet that will tell the whole backstory of its species, what they eat, and why they play an important role in that ecosystem. We hope it will inspire people of all ages to learn about marine biology, conservation, and the importance of protecting our oceans.”
Exploring a lifelong passion
Originally from Calgary, Sernowsky took an interest in the ocean at an early age. “I lived in Bermuda for a few years growing up, so I think that’s what fueled it,” she says. “I started my degree in Calgary in general biology, but I knew I wanted to specialize, so that brought me to Dalhousie to study marine biology."
Since joining the Aquatron, Sernowsky has focused mainly on daily care of its marine life, ensuring that the different species in the lab are thriving in a tank environment. Through careful monitoring of each species’ behaviour, Sernowsky and her colleagues are able to make changes in their habitat and diets to improve their overall well-being. It’s an effort that requires considerable trial and error.
“Each species has such different needs, but that creates opportunities for me to dive into lots of research and gain a lot of knowledge about them,” she says.
For example, one of the Aquatron tanks is providing temporary housing for several Beaty Centre-bound sea ravens—large, bottom-dwelling fish with hard spiky exteriors that change colour based on their environment. Sernowsky says they have discovered that these fish require a different approach to feeding than simply dropping food into the tank.
“They’re ambush predators, which means they need to see something swimming by that they can grab,” she explains. “We created this feeding system where we attach their food to a long stick that we wave around in front of them. That prompts them to come out of their hiding spots to hunt.”

With the approach of spring, Sernowsky and her colleagues are planning to collect more marine life for the Beaty Centre, and more insights on their preferences and behaviour. This knowledge is not just beneficial for the well-being of the creatures in their care, but also for Sernowsky. Through these activities, and the research projects being conducted at the Aquatron, she is gaining expertise that she says will help with her career development.
“If I continue my schooling and start a master's, having this opportunity to explore all these different aspects of marine biodiversity gives me a good idea of what I could potentially study,” she says.