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DMAA Awards: Dr. Jean Cameron

Dr. C. Jean Cameron (MD’83, PGM’85), winner of the inaugural DMAA Engagement Award, pioneered the Dal Med MD’83 Class Fund and Wellness Week, promoting physician wellness. Her leadership in reunions, fundraising, and class engagement has left a lasting impact on Dalhousie Medical School.

Posted: January 28, 2025

By: Emily Brown

Jean Cameron portrait.

Dr. C. Jean Cameron (MD'83, PGM (Family Medicine)'85) has won the inaugural DMAA Engagement Award, celebrating her passion for keeping classmates connected and her exceptional fundraising efforts.

As MD’83 life secretary-treasurer and the primary organizer of the MD Class of ‘83 quinquennial class reunions, Dr. Cameron inspired her classmates to create an endowment fund for Dal Med School so classmates could purposefully “give back” in appreciation of the education and training received at Dal. This was an inaugural concept at Dal Med; until the MD’83 Class Fund was established, there were no Dal Med class fund projects. She has spearheaded one of Dalhousie's most successful class fundraising efforts and has been instrumental in challenging other Dal Med classes to similarly create class funds with targeted purposes; now, 19 Dal Med classes have class funds with a gifted value of $2 million.

Contributions to the endowed capital of the Dal MD Class of 1983 Wellness Fund are well on the way to $400,000, with the fund’s market value now $500,000. Almost sixty percent of the MD’83 class have contributed. By unanimous agreement, MD’83 chose to direct this first-ever medical class endowment fund to a realm where they believed their gifts could have the greatest impact. One idea became a vision: “A program integrated into the medical training of doctors to educate physicians-in-training about issues of physician health and wellness,” says Dr. Cameron. “To have healthy communities, we need to have a healthy physician workforce, learn how to take care of our own health and the health of our families, and be competent physicians.”

A champion for wellness

The MD’83 Fund now supports wellness activities at Dal Med at all levels of training. Dr. Cameron also championed her class to establish what is now an annual Wellness Week for undergrad medical learners; DMSS Health Reps organize it at all the Dal learning sites. MD’83 Wellness Week takes place every March to promote healthy living. This program promotes and nurtures positive relationships, healthy nutrition, fitness, quality sleep, mindfulness, music, art, time in nature, and mental and spiritual health. So, all of these become a foundational part of the everyday life of future physicians. Her leadership was also fundamental in the organization of the Mindfulness in Medicine Program when it was launched at Dal Medicine in 2014.

Dr. Cameron has been a driving force behind impactful reunions in her class, where the goals of having fun, renewing friendships, and learning from each other with CPD-accredited talks (classmates teaching classmates) have made getting to reunions a priority for classmates. Her annual letters to classmates and spontaneous e-mails, cards and calls at other times have ensured members of the Class of 1983 have stayed connected to each other and to Dalhousie Medical School.

Dr. Cameron has contributed with her skills as a family physician through her compassionate and capable care of patients. Her career has taken her to geographically isolated Indigenous villages and remote and rural communities from all over Canada. A true family physician, she’s also done many shifts in secondary and tertiary care ERs, delivered her share of babies, did many home visits, and ensured respectful, comprehensive care for seniors and those at the end of life. She leaves a legacy of inspiration for Dal Med Classes that ensures that future generations of Dal Med students, interns, and residents will receive top-notch education to prepare them for the ever-evolving challenges of providing quality health care to all in Canada and that we will all benefit from a resilient happy and healthy physician workforce.

About the DMAA Engagement Award

The Engagement Award recognizes an individual who fosters meaningful relationships amongst the medical alumni community, the faculty, and its learners and actively participates in DMAA and Faculty of Medicine initiatives to support, celebrate, and connect alumni. Nominees may include a class president. Dr. Jean Cameron is the first person to receive the DMAA Engagement Award.
