Team Documents


ABC-SC Newsletter - July 2012 [PDF - 1.7MB]

• Research Protocol [PDF - 713KB]

• End of Life Care Performance Indicators

Cancer Care Nova Scotia and ABC-SC have commenced the Identification and Initial Feasibility Assessment of Performance Indicators to Support Monitoring and Evaluation of End of Life Care

Supportive care for women with advanced breast cancer (ABC-SC) is funded by a Breast Cancer Society of Canada/QEII Foundation Award for Breast  Cancer Research, through the Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute.


In July 2014, Hillary Woodside completed her Master's thesis on yoga as palliative support for young adults with advanced cancer.  Dr. Melanie Keats was Hillary's thesis supervisor.

In June 2014, Chris Skegel completed his PhD in Health Economics at The University of Sheffield in the UK.  The title of his thesis was 'Eliciting societal preferences for the allocation of healthcare resources using stated preference methods'.  Congratulations Dr. Skedgel.