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Awards and Scholarships

Dr. Sue Campbell Memorial Bursary

Academic Biography [PDF - 21KB]
List of Academic Works [PDF - 53KB]

Dr. Susan Leslie (Sue) Campbell  was a member of the Philosophy Department and Gender and Women’s Studies program at Dalhousie University.

This fund is to honour of the life of Sue Campbell by providing a bursary to one or more fourth year undergraduate student enrolled in the Department of Philosophy, and/or undergraduate fourth year student(s) from any other program at Dalhousie University who have taken at least two courses in the Department of Philosophy.

Students must demonstrate financial need and satisfactory academic standing.
Application Deadline: mid-October

How to Apply for the Sue Campbell Memorial Bursary



The University Medal in Philosophy

The F. Hilton Page Memorial Prize

The Douglas Butler Memorial Prize

Dr. H.L. Stewart Memorial Scholarship

Roland Puccetti Undergraduate Award


There are many other awards, prizes, and scholarships available to students, including those offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and Faculty of Graduate Studies

The Money Matters site provides valuable information regarding financial assistance, tuition and fees, awards and scholarships, and much more.
