Soil Health and Quality in Organic Systems: Soil Physical Properties
- Resources
- Soils and Fertility
- Horticulture
- Field Crops
- Crop Rotation
- Pest Management
- Season Extension
- Seed Production and Plant Breeding
- Livestock
- Ecology and Environment
- Nutrition, Safety and Health of Organic Foods
- Post-harvest Handling, Storage and Processing
- Social Science
- Marketing and Economics
- Transition to Organic
- Canadian Organic Research Priorities
Practical Resources
- Long-term Tillage, Rotation, and Perennialization Effects on Particulate and Aggregate Organic Matter
- US Organic Agriculture Research Symposium. 2015
- US Organic Agriculture Research Symposium. 2015
- Lowering Soil Erosion Risk in Organic Cropping Systems [PDF - 97 kB]
- OACC. 2006
- Wet Fall + Compaction = Next Year's Roots?
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. 2014
Scientific Results
- Determinants of the degradation of soil structure in vineyards with a view to conversion to organic farming
- Soil Use and Management (2013) 29: 557-566
- DRIFT spectroscopy combined with sodium hypochlorite oxidation reveals different organic matter characteristics in density-size fractions of organically managed soils
- Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2016) 93: 317-327
- Effects of four tillage systems on soil structure and soil microbial biomass in organic farming
- Soil Use and Management (2009) 25: 1-10
- Effects of organic management on water-extractable organic matter and C mineralization in European arable soils
- Soil and Tillage Research (2010) 106: 211-217
- Influence of Cropping Systems on Soil Aggregate and Weed Seedbank Dynamics During the Organic Transition Period
- Agronomy Journal (2010) 102: 1632-1640
- Long-term tillage, rotation and perennialization effects on particulate and aggregate soil organic matter
- Soil and Tillage Research (2015) 155: 371-380
- A meta-analysis of soil organic matter response to soil management practices: An approach to evaluate conservation indicators
- Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (2014) 69: 422-430
- National Comparison of the Total and Sequestered Organic Matter Contents of Conventional and Organic Farm Soils
- Advances in Agronomy (2017) Online, ahead of print
- Organic Farming and Soil Physical Properties: An Assessment after 40 Years
- Agronomy Journal (2017) 109: 600-609
- Potential long-term benefits of no-tillage and organic cropping systems for grain production and soil improvement
- Agronomy Journal (2007) 99: 1297-1305
- Research on subsoil biopores and their functions in organically managed soils: A review
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2015) 30: 318-327
- Root size fractions of ryegrass and clover contribute differently to C and N inclusion in SOM
- Biology and Fertility of Soils (2010) 46:293-297
- Soil organic carbon fractions after 16-years of applications of fertilizers and organic manure in a Typic Rhodalfs in semi-arid tropics
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2010) 86: 391-399
- Soil physical properties and organic matter in forages receiving composts, manure or fertilizer
- Compost Science and Utilization (2005) 13: 252- 261
- Soil physical quality in contrasting tillage systems in organic and conventional farming
- Soil and Tillage Research (2015) 154: 136-144
- Tillage System and Cover Crop Effects on Soil Quality: I. Chemical, Mechanical, and Biological Properties
- Soil Science Society of American Journal (2014) 78: 262-270
- Tillage System and Cover Crop Effects on Soil Quality: II. Pore Characteristics
- Soil Science Society of American Journal (2014) 78: 271-279
- Total and Labile Soil Organic Matter in Organic and Conventional Farming Systems
- Soil Science Society of America Journal (2006) 70: 950-959