Site Menu


General Policy

What questions are included on the SLEQ forms?

How will I know when and where to access the system?

Differences between SRI and SLEQ

How do I access the site?

Where is the data stored and is it secure?

Which classes will I get the opportunity to provide feedback for?

BLUE System


General Questions & Policy 

Instructors and Teaching Assistants

5 Tips for helping increase response rates

What is the Department Course Verification Process (DCVP)?

What/who is a department liaison?

Who decides which courses are evaluated in a given department?

When will the results be released?

Is there any difference in the quality and quantity of comments between the online and paper-based systems?

Does Dalhousie use a paper-based evaluation system now?

Formative SLEQ Reports



Instructors, Department Heads, and SLEQ Liaisons

Why can't I access the SLEQ page after login?

Why did only some of my students received an email to evaluate my course?

Are co-op work term courses evaluated?

Do I have to enter the departmental questions separately for each course in our department?




Why can't I access the SLEQ page after login?

Why have I received more than one SLEQ for a course?

Why did I not receive an email to provide feedback for my course/professor?

Why haven’t I received a link to evaluate my Lab or tutorials?

I missed the first email – will I still be able to provide feedback for my courses?

What should I do if the instructor listed in the SLEQ is not the instructor teaching the course?

What should I do if I have received an SLEQ for a course in which I am not registered?

Can an SLEQ be submitted after the deadline?
