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About SLEQ

Higher education institutions in Canada and abroad encourage faculty to use Student Feedback to provide insight about the student experience. Student Learning Experience Questionnaire feedback can be used to help assess teaching strategies, course suitability and program relevance.

Results from the evaluations are used for a wide range of purposes. For example, they provide data and guidelines for:

  1. Evaluation of teaching effectiveness.
  2. Promotion and tenure applications for instructors, and other personnel decisions.
  3. Quality assurance processes in the review and restructure of institutional, faculty, department and program goals.
  4. Preparation of supporting evidence for teaching awards and grants.
  5. Enhancement of Dalhousie University teaching and learning profile regionally and nationally.

An essential component

Student Learning Experience Questionnaires are an important part of assessing the quality of education an institution provides. At Dalhousie University, SLEQs are recognized as an essential component of a formal institutional evaluation strategy that includes evidence from students (both SLEQ results as well as direct evidence of students' achievement of learning outcomes), self-reflection, and peer evaluation of teaching (including the peer review of teaching materials as well as possibly a peer observation of teaching), usually presented in the form of a comprehensive teaching dossier.    

More informal strategies for gathering feedback or identifying ways in which courses and programs may be enhanced include peer consultation and in-class student feedback. Recommended resources provides information on: assessing teaching effectiveness and how to use the results to enhance learning and teaching; course or program design; and, summative and formative evaluation of teaching and learning.

Contact us

We also invite you to contact us at if you have questions about the SLEQ process and the SLEQ educational development perspectives. We look forward to working with you and in facilitating the SLEQ system to optimize teaching and learning at Dalhousie.
