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Presenter Toolkit

This toolkit is intended to support presenters in their preparations and address some questions. This page will be updated as new details and information is acquired. Please email if you have any questions or instructions are unclear. 

The Basics

Time zone

Conference location

Attendee details

Recording of sessions




Room Hosts

Each session will be assigned a room host who is a member of the Dalhousie University CLT team. Hosts will be reaching out directly to presenters to introduce themselves and inquire about any further questions you may have or supports you may need for your session. If you are presenting online, they will be sending you a Teams calendar invitation for your session day and time. The roles of the hosts are as follows:




Additional Information For Online Presenters

Links to the session room

Communicating with attendees during your session

Sharing slides beforehand

Chat monitoring support

Software best browser / technology preparations

Virtual presentation best practices

How do I share my slides during the session?

When can I access the room I will be presenting in?

When can I access the virtual space?

Can I test my presentation in advance?

Who do I contact for technical help if I continue to have access problems after troubleshooting on my own?
