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Don't forget to check them off!

The transition to campus life can be both exciting and overwhelming. To help you get off on the right foot, we’ve compiled a few checklists!

Questions? Contact one of our Student Success Centres

To do after you've been accepted

Review for a list of initial steps

Keep track of upcoming important dates

Decide where to live

Set up your Dal email account, netID, and Dalhousie ID (or Banner Number)

Review our Health Checklist and Immunization Checklist

For Graduate Students

To do 3 months out

Register for courses

Plan to attend New to Dal programming

Register with accessibility services

To do 2 months out

Upload your photo for your DalCard (university ID)

Plan to pay for your tuition and expenses

To do 1 month out

Plan your route to campus (transportation options and directions)

Order your books

To do when you arrive

Pick up your DalCard and UPass

Health Insurance

Pay your tuition & fees (visit for deadlines!)
