Register for Classes
Find all the information you need about choosing your courses, creating your schedule, transfer courses, changing courses, wait lists, and more.
Academic Advising
Our Student Success Advising team does more than support you with your academic planning—they can help you reach your educational, career, and life goals.
Study Support & Tutoring
The Studying for Success program offers personal coaching/tutoring and free group workshops to help enhance your study skills and academic potential.
Writing Support
The Writing Centre offers support in all subjects—from academic assignments to dissertations—for all students who want to improve their written work.
Grades & Records
Find all the information you need about Dalhousie's grade scale, definitions of grades, academic standing, the GPA Calculator, transcripts, and more.
Academic Accommodations
Our Student Accessibility team works with students who request academic accommodations, to develop strategies for success from first year to graduation.
Agricultural Campus

Find information about services and supports at the Dal AC Student Success Centre.