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Program Overview

Program Overview

Our Unique Framework

Designed with the working professional in mind, our program is delivered on a part time basis only, in an online/blended learning format- allowing you to pursue your academic goals without having to put your career or personal obligations on hold.

Through an optimal blend of theory, analysis and day-to-day practical learning, you’ll gain a unique framework to respond effectively to complex issues and understand the co-constructive dynamics between our personal lives and the broader public forms and processes through which they’re mediated.

CAPPA Accredited

In 2018, Dalhousies MPA progams became the first in Canada to receive full accreditation from the Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration.

Visit the CAPPA website to find out more.

Read the news release: Dalhousie MPA programs first to be accredited under CAPPA's new standards.

Our Faculty

Courses are designed and delivered by internationally recognized academics and senior public service practitioners. 

Flexible & Convenient

Dal's MPA M program is flexible and convenient. Take 90 percent of your coursework online, and gain valuable opportunities to develop lifelong relationships with other public and not-for-profit sector professionals during the classroom-based intensives held at the end of each course.

Program Details

Master of Public Administration (Management)

Important Dates

Information Sessions



Delivery, duration and workload

Graduate Diploma in Public Administration (Management)
