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Student theses

Recent theses published by our graduates

Recently completed MSc theses:

Sean McWhinney, Psychology & NeuroscienceIntegrative Laterality Mapping with MEG and FMRI for Presurgical Evaluation in Epilepsy. October, 2013.

Gregory MacLean, PsychologyExploring the Dissociations between Overt and Covert Mechanisms of Spatial Attention and Inhibition of Return. September, 2013.

Amanda Leroux, Psychology & NeuroscienceImpact of Menstrual Cycle Phase on Metabolic Effects of Sleep Restriction. August, 2013.

Cameron Hassall, Psychology: Learning in Non-stationary Environments. August, 2013.

Andrew Clouter, PsychologyThe Effects of Dual n-back Training on the Components of Working Memory and Fluid Intelligence: An Individual Differences Approach. August, 2013.

Current students

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