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Matthew Strugari, Drew R. DeBay, Steven D. Beyea, Kimberly D. Brewer NEMA NU 1-2018 performance characterization and Monte Carlo model validation of the Cubresa Spark SiPM-based preclinical SPECT scanner EJNMMI Phys 10, 35; 2023

Matthew Strugari, Charles Falcon, Kjell Erlandsson, Brian F. Hutton, Kimberly D. Brewer, Kris Thielemans Integration of advanced 3D SPECT modelling for pinhole collimators into the open-source STIR framework Front. Nucl. Med., 18 April 2023; Sec. PET and SPECT; Volume 3; 2023

Hao Guo. Alexey B Tikhomirov, Alexandria Mitchell, Ian Patrick Joseph Alwayn, Haishan Zeng, Kevin C Hewitt   Real-time assessment of liver fat content using a filter-based Raman system operating under ambient light through lock-in amplification Vol. 13, No. 10, 1 Oct 2022; Biomedical Optics Express

Jennifer Borsavage, Amanda J. Cherpka, James L. Robar Improving image quality and reducing dose with 2.5 MV diamond target volume-of-interest cone beam CT imaging Med Phys. 2022;1–11

John Lincoln, R. Lee MacDonald, Brian Little, Alasdair Syme, Christopher G. Thomas Comparison of anatomically informed class solution template trajectories with patient-specific trajectories for stereotactic radiosurgery and radiotherapy J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022; 23:e13765

David Livermore, Thomas Trappenberg, Alasdair Syme Machine learning for contour classification in TG-263 noncompliant databases J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022; e13662

Eva Lee, R. Lee MacDonald, Christopher G. Thomas, Alasdair Syme Intra-arc binary collimation with dynamic axes trajectory optimization for the SRS treatment of multiple metastases Med Phys. 2022; 1–17

Vlora Riberdy, Ethan Ruiz, Nienke Hoekstra, Gerson Struik Comparison of visibility of iodinated hydrogel and gadolinium-modified hyaluronic acid spacer gels on computed tomography and onboard imaging Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 21:48-5, Feb 2022

E. Courtney Henry, Matthew Strugari, George Mawko, Kimberly D. Brewer, David Liu, Andrew C. Gordon, Jeffrey N. Bryan, Charles Maitz, Robert Abraham, Cheenu Kappadath, Alasdair Syme Precision dosimetry in yttrium‑90 radioembolization through CT imaging of radiopaque microspheres in a rabbit liver model EJNMMI Physics (2022) 9:21

Vlora Ribery, Ethan Ruiz, Nienke Hoekstra, Gerson Struik, Jean-Philippe Pignol Comparison of visibility of iodinated hydrogel and gadolinium-modified hyaluronic acid spacer gels on computed tomography and onboard imaging Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 2022 Feb; 21:48-53

Cristiano Q.M. Reis, Brian Little, Robert Lee MacDonald, Alasdair Syme, Christopher G. Thomas, James L. Robar SBRT of ventricular tachycardia using 4pi optimized trajectories Journal of Applied Medical Physics 2021 Dec; 22 (12) 72-86

E. Courtney Henry, Matthew Strugari, George Mawko, Kimberly D Brewer, Robert Abraham, S Cheenu Kappadath, Alasdair Syme Post-administration dosimetry in yttrium-90 radioembolization through micro-CT imaging of radiopaque microspheres in a porcine renal model Phys. Med. Biol. 66 (2021) 095011

Parisa Sadeghi, James L. Robar Finite element analysis of a capacitive array for 6D intrafraction motion detection during stereotactic radiosurgery Physics in Medicine and Biology; 2021 Aug 66(17)

Cody Church, David Parsons, Alasdair Syme Investigating the impacts of intrafraction motion on dosimetric outcomes when treating small targets with virtual cones Journal Appl Clin Med Phys 2021 Aug; 22(8):60-71

Oleksii Semeniuk, Amanda Cherpak, James Robar Design and evaluation of 3D printable patient-specific applicators for gynecologic HDR brachytherapy Med Phys 2021 Jul;48(7):4053-4063

Brendan Brady, Lindsey Power, Timothy Bardouille  Age-related trends in neuromagnetic transient beta burst characteristics during a sensorimotor task and rest in the Cam-CAN open-access dataset (November 2020) NeuroImage 222, 117245

Jennifer M. Borsavage, Amanda Cherpak, James L. Robar Investigation of planar image quality for a novel 2.5 MV diamond target beam from a radiotherapy linear accelerator (October 2020) Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, Volume 16, pgs 103-108

Michael A. Hupman, Irina Valitova, Ian Hill, Alasdair Syme Radiation induced photocurrent in the active volume of P3HT/PCBM BHJ photodiodes (October 2020) Organic Electronics, Vol. 85, 105890

Michael A. Hupman, Thalat Monajemi, Irina Valitove, Ian Hill, Alasdair Syme Fabrication and characterization of a stemless plastic scintillator (September 2020) Medical Physics

Nicholas Lynch, Thalat Monajemi, James L. Robar Characterization of novel 3D printed plastic scintillation dosimeter (2020) Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 6 055014

Parisa Sadeghi, Kathryn Moran, James L. Robar Capacitive monitoring system for real-time respiratory motion monitoring during radiation therapy. (2020 May) Radiation Oncology Physics

Henry, E Courtney, Mawko, George, Tonkopi, Elena, Frampton, J, Kehoe, S, Boyd, D, Abraham, R, Gregoire, M, O'Connell, K, Kappadath, SC Quantification of the inherent radiopacity of glass microspheres for precision dosimetry in yttrium-90 radioembolization. IOP Science, (2019) August 

Lincoln, JD, Parsons, D, Clarke SE, Cwajna, S, Robar JL Evaluation of kV CBCT enhancement using a liver-specific contrast agent for stereotactic body radiation therapy image guidance (2019) Med Phys 

Parsons D, Church C, Syme A. (2019) Toward a pre-clinical irradiator using clinical infrastructure. Phys Med 58: 21 – 31.

Sadeghi P, Lincoln J, Avila Ruiz EA, Robar JL A novel intra-fraction monitoring system for stereotactic radiosurgery: Proof of Concept Phys Med Bio, (2018) August, 62 (16):165019

Sadeghi, P, Lincoln, J, Avila Ruiz EA, Robar JL Capacitive monitoring system for intra-fraction motion detection during frameless radiosurgery. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 127:S111 (2018) April 

MacDonald RL, Thomas CG, Ward L, Syme A. (2018) Intra-arc binary collimation algorithm for the optimization of stereotactic radiotherapy treatment of multiple metastases with multiple prescriptions. Med Phys 45: 5597 – 5607.

Sahar Darvish-Molla, Michael C. Reno, Mike Sattarivand, Patient-specific pixel-based weighting factor dual-energy x-ray imaging system using a priori CT data, Medical Physics 2019

Monajemi, T. T., & Ruiz, E. A. (2018). Application of plastic scintillating fibres to surface dosimetry in megavoltage photon and electron beams: considerations for Cerenkov correctionPhysics in Medicine & Biology63(18), 185003.

Hupman MA, Hill IG and Syme A. (2018). Preliminary characterization of the response of an organic field effect transistor to ionizing radiation. Radiation Measurements. 118: 31 – 35.

James L. Robar, Kathryn Moran, James Allan, Jim Clancey, Tami Joseph, Krista Chytyk-Praznik, R. Lee MacDonald, John Lincoln, Parisa Sadeghi, Rob Rutledge, Intrapatinet study comparing 3D printed bolus versus standard vinyl gel sheet bolus for postmastectomy chest wall radiation therapy, Practical Radiation Oncology, 2018 July-Aug;8(4):221-229

Cody Church, Geroge Mawko, Alasdair Syme, JP Archambault, R. Lewandowski, D. Liu, S. Kehoe, D. Boyd, R. Abraham, Absorbed dose kernel and self-shielding calculations for a novel radiopaque glass microsphere for transarterial radioembolization, Medical Physics, 2018 Feb;45(2):934-942

Wesley Bowman, Mike Sattarivand, James Robar, Optimizing dual-energy x-ray parameters for the ExacTrac clinical stereoscopic imaging system to enhance soft-tissue imaging Medical Physics, 44 (3), March 2017

R. Lee MacDonald, Christopher G. Thomas, Alasdair Syme, Dynamic collimator trajectory algorithm for multiple metastases dynamic conformal arc treatment planning, Medical Physics, DOI 10.1002/mp.12648, November 2017

M.N Ha, O. Piccolo, N. Melong, Dave D. Parsons, A. Detappe. O. Tillement, James L. Robar, R.I. Berbecco, J.N. Berman, An in vivo model to study the use of nanoparticles as a radiosensitizer in radiation beams generated from a low z target, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics, 99:2, E593-594, 2017.

R. Lee MacDonald, James L. Robar, Christopher G. Thomas, Overlap-guided fixed-patient support positioning optimization for cranial SRT, Med. Phys. 44, 17-27, 2017.

Siavash Atrchian, Pejman Sadeghi, Wladyslawa Cwajna, Lucy Helyer, Dorianne Rheaume, Maureen Nolan, Parisa Sadeghi, James L. Robar, Improvement of consistency in delineating breast lumpectomy cavity using surgical clips, Journal of Surgical Research, 221, 30-34, 2017.

M. Tynan R. Stevens, Dave D. Parsons, James L. Robar, Patient specific methods for room-mounted x-ray imagers for monoscopic and stereoscopic prostate motion monitoring, J Appl Clin Med Phys, 18:4; 40-50, 2017.

David D. Parsons, M. Tynan R. Stevens, James L. Robar, Current modulated volume-of-interest imaging for kilovoltage intrafraction monitoring of the prostate, Med. Phys. 44 (4) 2017 

T. Stevens and J. L. Robar, Continuous monitoring of prostate position using stereoscopic and monoscopic kV image guidance, Medical Physics, 43(5), 2558, 2016.

D. Parsons and J. L. Robar, Volume of Interest CBCT and Tube Current Modulation for image guidance using dynamic kV collimation,  Medical Physics, 43(4), 1808, 2016.

R. I. Berbeco, A. Detappe, P. Tsiamas, D. Parsons, M. Yewondwossen and J.L. Robar, Low Z target switching to increase tumor endothelial cell dose enhancement during gold nanoparticle-aided radiation therapy, Medical Physics, 43, 426, 2016.

D. Parsons and J. L. Robar, An investigation of kV CBCT image quality and dose reduction for volume-of-interest imaging using dynamic collimation, Medical Physics, 42, 5258, 2015.

A. Detappe, S. Kunjachan, J. Rottmann, J. L. Robar, P. Tsiamas, H. Korideck, O. Tillement, R. Berbeco, AGuIX nanoparticles as a promising platform for image-guided radiation therapy, Cancer Nanotechnology, 6(4), 2015.

D. Leary and J. Robar, CBCT with specification of imaging dose and CNR by anatomical volume of interest, Medical Physics, 41(1), 2014.

D. Parsons, J. Robar and D. Sawkey, A Monte Carlo investigation of low-Z target image quality generated  in a linear accelerator using Varian’s Virtualinac, Medical Physics, 41(2), 2014.

S Su, K. Moran, J.L. Robar, Design and production of 3D printed bolus for electron radiation therapy, JACMP, 15(4), 2014, 194-211.
