Cecilia Engler
PhD Candidate
Email: mcengler@dal.ca
Why Dal?
With ocean law and policy being my general area of research, it is only natural that I chose the Schulich School of Law for my graduate studies. The Marine & Environmental Law Institute is a world leading academic institution in this area. Dalhousie’s many programs related to ocean studies and research provide an even stronger setting for my work.
What inspires me
Oceans governance currently faces pressing and serious challenges, requiring the concerted efforts of multiple disciplines at multiple levels. The role of law in building and influencing a new management paradigm for oceans is crucial, yet many aspects remain unexplored.
- Cecilia Engler-Palma, David L. Vanderzwaag, Richard Apostle, Martin Castonguay, Julian J. Dodson, Emma Feltes, Charles Norchi and Rachel White, “Sustaining American Eels: A Slippery Species for Science and Governance” (2013) 16 J. Int’l Wildlife L. & Pol’y 128.
- Richard Apostle, Michael J. Dadswell, Cecilia Engler-Palma, Matthew Litvak, Montana F. Mclean, Michael J.W. Stokesbury, Andrew Taylor, and David L. Vanderzwaag, “Sustaining Atlantic Sturgeon: Stitching a Stronger Scientific and Governance Net” (2013) 16 J. Int’l Wildlife L. & Pol’y 170.
- David L. VanderZwaag, Maria Cecilia Engler Palma and Jeffrey A. Hutchings, “Canada's Species at Risk Act and Atlantic Salmon: Cascade of Promises, Trickles of Protection, Sea of Challenges” (2011) 22 J. Envtl. L. & Prac. 267.
- Maria Cecilia Engler Palma, “Allocation of Fishing Opportunities in Regional Fisheries Management Organizations: from Power to Law?” in Dawn Russell and David VanderZwaag (eds.), Recasting Transboundary Fisheries Management Arrangements in Light of Sustainability Principles: Canadian and International Perspectives (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2010).
- ___. ”Non-Compliance Procedures: Can Regional Fisheries Management Organizations learn from the Experience of Multilateral Environmental Agreements?” (2010) 24 Ocean Yearbook 24.
Awards, honours, conferences
- Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, 2012-2015.
- Honorary Izaak Walton Killam Predoctoral Scholarship, 2013-2014 and 2012-2013.
- Honorary Schulich Scholarship, 2012-2013.
- Dalhousie University Governor General’s Gold Medal in Humanities and Social Sciences 2011.
- Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Master’s Scholarship 2008-2009 and 2009-2010.
- Ocean Yearbook Student Prize (Dalhousie University) 2009 for the paper “Non-Compliance Procedures: Can Regional Fisheries Management Organizations learn from the Experience of Multilateral Environmental Agreements?”
Research & interest groups
- Marine & Environmental Law Institute
- IOI-Canada
- United Nations – Nippon Foundation Fellowship
- United Nations – Nippon Foundation Fellowship Alumni
- Ocean Tracking Network
- Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response Network (MEOPAR)