Adjunct & Cross


Expanding our expertise

Our reach extends far beyond the borders of the Dalhousie campus. For decades, we’ve been welcoming other scholars to share their knowledge with our students. Whether they’re professors from other institutions or natural resource scientists, engaging these professionals allows us to collaborate in ways that benefit everyone.

Scholars are on our adjunct list for many reasons. Those with asterixis (**) are open to being approached by MES applicants for the purpose of discussing co-supervision. These individuals may not be able to offer funding support but conversations about shared interested are welcomed. As our adjuncts are not Dalhousie professors, a SRES professor will have to also agree to co-supervision before an MES application can proceed.

Applicants may additionally want to see our cross-appointed list as these individuals can provide full supervision of an MES applicant.

Adjuncts (FGS)

Thomas Beckley, Professor, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick (Fredericton). Social problems and issues in forest dependent communities; Public participation in resource management and policy; Criteria and indicators of sustainable development; Community capacity, sustainability and adaptability; Environmental values and stewardship; Sociology of energy, energy literacy, and climate change.
Rod Beresford, Assistant Professor,  Integrative Science, Department of Indigenous Studies & Biology, Cape Breton University. 
Andrew Biro, Associate Professor and Department Head, Department of Politics, Acadia University. 
The intersection of critical and postmodern political theory and environmental politics.
Thomas Bouman, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Cape Breton University. 
John Brazner, Ecosystem and Habitat Specialist, Ecosystem and Habitat Program, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources—Wildlife Division.  Developing condition indicators for wetlands; role of wetlands in the landscape; historic loss of wetlands in Nova Scotia; restoration of wetlands; and wetland research to support wetland policy.
Peter Bush, Provincial Landscape Ecologist, Forest Research and Planning, Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests. Landscape ecology and connectivity; old-growth forests; GIS and remote sensing, wildlife habitat; avian ecology; ecological land classifications; and wetlands. 
Rob Cameron, Adjunct (FGS) with SRES and Biology. Rob is a retired Ecologist (from Nova Scotia Environment). Interests include conservation ecology, species at risk distribution and habitat modeling, climate change modeling and population modeling for species at risk, protected areas as a conservation tool, old-growth forest, GIS, plant conservation ecology in particular lichen species at risk.
Tony Charles**  Professor, Environmental Science and Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary's University. Director, Community Conservation Research Network. Interdisciplinary research on oceans, coasts and fisheries, focusing on sustainable communities, Indigenous aspects, and human dimensions of ecosystem-based management, protected areas, climate change and biodiversity conservation.  
John Charles, Consultant, Planning, Urban Forestry. 
Alice Cohen, Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Acadia University.
John Colton, Professor, Community Development and Enviornmental & Sustainability Studies, Acadia University.  
Ray Côté** Professor Emeritus, SRES, Dalhousie University. Interdisciplinary management of chemicals and wastes; the management of land-based sources of marine pollution; the relationship between business and environment; and industrial ecology.
Lisa Doucette** Biologist/Resource Scientist, Wildlife Division, NS Department of Natural Resources and Renewables. current work includes research in the fields of ecological connectivity, species-at-risk, ecological forestry and road ecology. In addition to my current areas of focus, I have a diverse background working in a variety of research areas and countries (Iceland and Australia). My research has included environmental studies in marine benthic ecology, freshwater fish behaviour and evolution (MSc), bird behaviour and thermal physiology (PhD), and reptile ecology and thermal physiology (Post-doc fellowship), over the course of my career. I could co-supervise students on a range of topics, but my main interests involve studies concerning animal ecology and conservation.  
Wayne Groszko, Renewable Energy Consultant & Designer.  Solar energy and wind energy; consulting; and project development.
Alan Hanson, Environment Canada, Ecosystem Conservation.  Wetlands including ecology; restoration; conservation policy; inventory; and mapping. Spatially-explicit wildlife population models and science-based tools for environmental assessment.
Karen Harper** Consultant. Plant community ecology; conservation biology; forest ecology; forest edges; treeline; structural development; old-growth forests; and restoration. Karen's personal page. 
Gavin Kernaghan, Biology, Mount Saint Vincent University.  Ecology of fungi in northern forests; plant-microbe symbioses; rhizosphere ecology; and mycorrhizae in restoration.  Gavin's Research Page
Jeremy LundholmProfessor and department chair, Department of Biology, Saint Mary's University.  Ecology of plants, particularly at the community level. The main research goals of his lab are to determine how species diversity is maintained in plant communities, and how this diversity contributes to ecosystem functioning. They address applied and theoretical questions in a variety of habitats.  Research Website
Patrick Maher, Associate Professor, Department of Community Studies, Cape Breton University.  Outdoor recreation, polar tourism, experiential education.
Beth Mason, CEO, Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in Energy & the Environment. 
Chris McCarthy, Resource Conservation Manager II, Parks Canada Agency, Mainland Nova Scotia Field Unit. Protected area management; participatory resource management; large mammal ecology; population dynamics and ethology; species at risk recovery; coastal dynamics; and invasive species management.

Ken Oakes** Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Cape Breton University.  Finfish and shellfish husbandry, water treatment, reactive oxygen species, environmental remediation.

Rochelle Owen** Principal, Rochelle Owen Consulting.  Sustainability and climate planning and policy; climate, energy and green building project development and implementation; collaborative strategies for transportation and energy management.

Billie Lee Turner** Regent's Professor, Arizona State University.  Dr. Turner is a geographer and human-environmental scientist who works on land change from prehistory to present, urban land system design, vulnerability and resilience, and sustainability.  He works on deforestation, primarily in Mexico and Central America, and urban design in arid environments, especially the American Southwest.

Ulrich vom Hagen, Senior Corporate Strategist, Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry.  Environmental Assessment, ecological forestry, renewable energy (renewable natural gas, wood heat), circular economy, biodiverstiy policy development and planning, environmental sociology.

Ryan Whalen, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong.  Dr. Whalen’s research takes a data-driven approach to understanding the law and legal systems, with a particular focus on intellectual property law and innovation policy. This approach unites traditional doctrinal analyses with empirical techniques drawn from diverse fields including machine learning, natural language processing, network analysis, and data science.
Kellie White, Ecologist/Senior Laboratory Instructor, Cape Breton University.  
Rob Willis** Sr. Toxicologist and Risk Assessor, Dillon Consulting.  Human health and ecological (terrestrial and aquatic) risk assessment (HHERA), environmental and public health, toxicity-based benchmarks/standards development, the development of HHERA guidance and approaches, contaminant fate and transport modeling, chemicals management and priority setting, and various other aspects of applied environmental toxicology and chemistry, including the design of aquatic and terrestrial environmental effects (EEM) monitoring programs and the interpretation of EEM data.

Xu Zhang, Canada Research Chair (Tier ll) in Healthy Environments and Communities, Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in Energy and the Environment, Cape Breton University.  Nanomaterials and nanotechnology for environmental and health applications with focus on water treatment, cancer diagnostics and treatment.

Cross Appointments

Tapping into diverse knowledge

Given the enormous range of issues that are encompassed in studying resources and the environment, our cross-appointed professors bring unique and varied knowledge to the student experience.

Scholars are on our cross-appointed list for many reasons. Those with asterixis (*) are open to being approached by MES applicants for the purpose of discussing supervision. They may not be able to offer funding support, but conversations about shared interested are welcomed.  

Applicants may additionally want to see our adjunct list as these individuals can provide co-supervision along with a SRES professor.

Cross-appointed professors

Sylvain Charlebois
Faculty of Management

Food distribution, food policy, food safety, food security, and traceability.  Dr. Charlebois conducts research in the broad area of food distribution, security and safety. He has written four books and many peer-reviewed and scientific articles—over 500 during his career. His research has been featured in newspapers that include The EconomistNew York Times,Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, Foreign Affairs, Globe & Mail, National Post and Toronto Star.

Graham Gagnon*
Civil & Resource Engineering

Environmental engineering processes; design and optimization of drinking water treatment processes; corrosion control and bacterial growth in distribution systems; biofilm kinetics; biological process design for water and wastewater treatment; and membrane processes in drinking water treatment.

Larry Hughes
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Greenhouse gas studies; energy security; climate change; transportation; and sustainable energy systems.

Richard leBrasseur
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design
Ecologically-sensitive design, landscape urbanism, eco-justice; environmental psychology; sustainable development.

Dr. leBrasseur leads the interdisciplinary Green Infrastructure Performance Lab (GIPL)which explores the intersection between greenspaces and ecological performance. The GIPL examines the impact of landscape change on natural features and human wellbeing and uses the findings in order to influence sustainable development.

Daniel Rainham*
School of Health and Human Performance

Broad research interests are directed at understanding the associations between human health and ecological integrity. Geographic information science, spatial analysis and eco-epidemiology provide some of the tools and theories to guide his research. His current research uses wearable global positioning system technology to investigate the influence of neighbourhood characteristics on human health and measures of environmental sustainability.

Lorn Sheehan
Rowe School of Business

A stakeholder approach to strategic management and tourism destination management. Related to entrepreneurship and tourism; socially inclusive tourism; and risk and tourism.

M. Ali Ülkü
Rowe School of Business

Green logistics; sustainable supply chains; sustainable operations management.

Tarah Wright*
Environmental Science Programs

Environmental sustainability in higher education; indicators of environmental sustainability; institutional environmental change; and environmental education.

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