Laura Albrecht
PhD Candidate

Why Dal?
Reputation and Halifax. But it's offered me so much more.
What inspires me
Computational science allows us to delve into the “atomic heart” of chemistry. Using computational methods I can study water structures and their interactions with proteins on a molecular level. This helps us understand water’s crucial role in biological processes, which may figure importantly in the development of novel therapeutics.
Teaching, labs, research groups
- CHEM2401/2402 laboratory teaching assistant
- Assistant supervisor for a fourth year Honours Chemistry student
- Albrecht, L.; Boyd, R. J.; Mó, O.; Yanez, M. Cooperativity between hydrogen bonds and beryllium bonds in (H2O)nBeX2 (n =1-3, X = H, F) complexes. A new perspective. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., DOI:10.1039/C2CP42534C
- Albrecht, L.; Hally, D.; Boyd, R. J. Stabilizing effect of solvent and guest residue amino acids on a model alpha-helix peptide. J. Comp. Theo. Chem.,
- Albrecht, L.; Boyd, R. J. Visualizing Internal Stabilization in Weakly Bound Systems Using Atomic Energies: Hydrogen Bonding in Small Water Clusters. J. Phys. Chem. A, (2012) 116(15) 3946-3951
- Wu, J.; Albrecht, L.; Boyd, R. J. Effect of Counterions on the Protonation State in a Poly(G)-Poly(C) Radical Cation. J. Phys. Chem. B, (2011), 115(49), 14885-14890
Guignard, M.; Albrecht, L.; Zwanziger, J. W. Zero-Stress Optic Glass without Lead. Chem. Mat. (2007), 19(2), 286-290
Awards, honours, conferences
- ACEnet Research Fellowship for Graduate Studies, Dalhousie University
- Walter C. Sumner Memorial Fellowship for Doctoral Study in Chemistry, Dalhousie University
- Gerry Dauphinee Graduate Scholarship in Chemistry, Dalhousie University
244th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, August 2012, Philadelphia, PA, USA - 9th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists July 2011, Santiago de Compestela, Spain