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Poast Ultra [PDF - 290 kB]
Goldenrod Management [PDF - 538 kB]
Sheep Sorrel [PDF - 741 kB]
Spreading Dogbane [PDF - 658 kB]
St. John's Wort [PDF - 735 kB]
Yellow Loosestrife [PDF - 766 kB}
Using and Applying Velpar and Pronone in Lowbush Blueberry Fields [PDF - 1.65 MB]
Black Bulrush [PDF - 837 kB]
Bunchberry [PDF - 837 kB]
Bunchberry Control in Lowbush Blueberries with Spartan 75DF® [PDF - 232 kB]
Common Wild Rose [PDF - 116 kB]
Lambkill [PDF - 113 kB]
Poverty Oat Grass [PDF - 115 kB]
Trailing Blackberry [PDF - 114 kB]
Weed Control for Lowbush Blueberry 1997 [PDF - 137 kB]
Weed Identification - No.241/ No.242/ No.243/ No.244/ No.245/ No.246/ No.247/ No.248/ No.249
Weed Management in Wild Blueberry Fields
Weed Control Guide for Wild Blueberries
Hexazinone for Weed Control in Wild Blueberries
Glyphosate  for Weed Control in Wild Blueberries
Postemergence Grass Control for Wild Blueberries
Calibration of Granular Applicators for Herbicide Impregnated Fertilizer Applications
Cultural Management for Weeds in Wild Blueberries
Tribenuron-methyl (Spartan 75 DF) Spot-Applications for Control of Some Perennial Weeds in Lowbush Blueberries
Bunchberry control in wild blueberries with Spartan 75DF
Velpar and Pronone 10G for Weed Control in Wild Blueberries [PDF - 100 kB]
Guide to weed control for lowbush blueberry production in Atlantic Canada
Wild Lowbush Blueberry IPM Weed Control Guide [PDF - 775 kB]
Best Management Practices for VelparTM/Pronone 10GTM
Witchgrass in Blueberry 2007 [PDF - 321 kB]
Pest Control Selection Guide 2007 [PDF - 156 kB]
Guide to Weed Control for Wild Blueberry Production in Atlantic Canada (APASCC)
