Protein Assembly Research Team

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Our group

The Protein Assembly Research Team (PART) is focused on understanding protein structure and behaviour and includes experts in a variety of disciplines including biochemistry and molecular biology, computer science, engineering, biology, and medicine. We are engaging proteins both as tools and as targets in the development of new technologies.

Our approach

Our methodology includes gene cloning for protein expression, mutagenesis, protein splicing, enzymology, ligand binding studies, protein association measurements, protein structure determination, and computer-based modelling and simulation. We collaborate extensively in multidisciplinary initiatives.

Equity, diversity, and inclusion

We acknowledge that our research and training activities take place on Mi’kma’ki, the traditional territory of the Mi’kmaq. The PART actively supports the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusiveness, and recognizes the valuable contributions that can arise from a diverse set of mentors and trainees with a wide range of perspectives and unique ideas.
