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Dr. Mark Obrovac

Associate Professor of Chemistry and Physics
NSERC/Novonix Industrial Research Chair

Department of Chemistry
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3H 4R2



About Dr. Mark Obrovac

Work Experience

2010-2018 NSERC/3M Canada Industrial Research Chair
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Physics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., Canada
2002-2010 Research Specialist, Project Leader, Anode Materials Group
Principal Investigator, DOE Advanced Negative Electrode Project
3M Electronics Marketing Material Division
3M Center, St-Paul, Minnesota, United States
1995 Coop Research Scientist
BlueStar Battery Systems Inc., North Vancouver, B.C., Canada
1993 Coop Research Scientist
Ballard Advanced Materials, North Vancouver, B.C., Canada
1992 Coop Research Scientist
Moli Energy (1990) Ltd., Maple Ridge, B.C., Canada


2006 3M Corporate Level Circle of Technical Excellence and Innovation Award*
2006 3M Division Level Circle of Technical Excellence and Innovation Award*
2005 3M Division Level Circle of Technical Excellence and Innovation Award*
2001 NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship
1997 Killam Scholarship
1997 NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship
1997 Walter C. Sumner Memorial Fellowship for Doctoral Study in Physics
1995 NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship

*The 3M Circle of Technical Excellence and Innovation Award is 3M's highest award given for technical achievement. Typically 5 persons per division (1000 researchers) are awarded the division level award. The corporate level award recognizes the outstanding achievement of 7 individual awardees out of the entire 3M Corporation (7000+ researchers worldwide).


Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, Cornell University, 2001-2002
Inorganic Materials Synthesis
Supervisor: Dr. Frank DiSalvo

Ph.D. in Physics, Dalhousie University, 1997-2001
Nanostructured Electrode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries
Supervisor: Dr. Jeff Dahn

M.Sc. in Physics, Dalhousie University, 1995-1997
Valence Band Study of Chromium Substituted Lithium Manganese Oxides
Supervisor: Dr. Jeff Dahn

B.Sc. with Honors, Simon Fraser University, 1989-1995
Department of Chemical Physics
