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Vulnerable Populations

Vulnerable Populations and End of Life Care

Project Lead: Victor Maddalena (PubMed articles)
in collaboration with Health Association of African Canadians

Trainees: Farhana Kanth, Hao Wu, Skylan Parker

Objectives: To review literature, meet with members and leaders of cultural groups who may have lower rates of palliative care use, and then design and carry out qualitative research with their communities to better understand how to provide appropriate culturally competent care at end of life.


Victor Maddalena et al., 2012
• Palliative Care Guide for the Deaf Community - youtube Channel

Sharon Davis-Murdoch, Nova Scotia Department of Health Presentaiton, 2009
Cultural Competence - A Practical Path to Access & Disparity Reduction [PDF]

Farhana Kanth, 2006
Cultural competence in End of Life Care for Asian Indian Immigrants [PDF]

Skylan Parker, 2006
Cultural Competence in End of Life Care for Mi'kmaq [PDF]


Johnston, G., Vukic, A., Parker, S. (2013) Cultural understanding in the provision of supportive and palliative care: perspectives in relation to an indigenous population. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 3(1): 61-8.    *Free PMC article

Maddalena, V., Bernard, W.T., Davis-Murdoch, S., Smith, D. (2013) Awareness of palliative care and end-of-life options among African Canadians in Nova Scotia. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 24(2): 144-52. doi:10.1177/1043659612472190

Bernard, W., Maddalena, V., Smith, D. (2013) Spirituality at end of life in Nova Scotia’s Black Community. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, in press.

Maddalena, V., O’Shea, F., Murphy, M. (2012) Palliative and end-of-life care in Newfoundland’s deaf community, Journal of Palliative Care, 28(2): 105-12.

Maddalena, V. (2010) An exploration of policy options to assist district health authorities in attending to the health needs of African Canadians: A case study. Leadership in Health Services, 23(1): 57-74.

Maddalena, V., Bernard, W.T., Etowa, J.B., Davis-Murdoch, S., Smith, D., & Marsh-Jarvis, P (2010) Cancer Care Experiences and the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine at End of Life in Nova Scotia’s Black Communities. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 21(2): 114-22. doi:10.1177/1043659609357634

Maddalena, V. (2007) A practical approach to ethical decision-making. Leadership in Health Services, 20(2): 71-5. doi:10.1108/17511870710745402

Maddalena, V. (2006) Cultural competence and end of life care. Journal of Palliative Care, 22(3): 225.

Maddalena, V., Bernard, W. T., Etowa, J. B., Davis-Murdoch, S., Smith, D., & Marsh-Jarvis, P. (2006) Cancer care and use of complementary and alternative medicine and home remedies in Nova Scotia's Black Community. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 21(2): 114-22. doi:10.1177/1043659609357634
