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Primary Care

Mortality Follow Back Study

Project Leads: Frederick Burge (PubMed articles) and Beverley Lawson (Pubmed articles)

Trainee: Emily Marshall

Objectives: Our Mortality Follow Back Study will investigate approaches to go beyond our retrospective linked administrative data study design to measure needs and preferences for end of life care.

• NELS News, Issue 5


Fred Burge, 2011 - Highlighting NELS ICE Successes
Experience of Care during the End of Life: A Population-Based Mortality Follow-back Study [PDF]

Fred Burge & Beverley Lawson, 2009 - ICE Annual Meeting
 Unmet needs and unfulfilled wishes at the end of life: A population-based mortatlity follow back study [PDF]

Fred Burge, Beverley Lawson & Grace Johnston, 2007
Are Family Physicians still part of the Primary Care Palliative Care team in the community? [PDF]


Lawson, B., Van Aarsen, K., Burge, F. (2013) Challenges and strategies in the administration of a population based mortality follow-back survey design. BMC Palliative Care, 12(1): 28.    *Free PMC article

Burge, F., Lawson, B., Mitchell, G. (2012) How to move to a palliative approach to care for people with multimorbidity. BMJ, 345: e6324. doi:10.1136/bmj.e6324

Sloss, L., Lawson, B., Burge, F.I. (2012) Spiritual and emotional support of primary informal end-of-life caregivers in Nova Scotia. Journal of Palliative Care, 28(3): 169-74.

Lawson, B.J., Burge, F.I. (2010). Re-examining the definition of location of death in health services research. Journal of Palliative Care, 26(3): 202-4.

Burge, F., & Lawson, B. (2008) Which cancer patients receive provincial home care services in Nova Scotia during the end of life? Journal of Palliative Care, 24(3): 224.    *Free PMC article.

Burge, F., Lawson, B., & Johnston, G., Grunfeld, E. (2008) A population based study of age inequalities in access to palliative care among cancer patients. Medical Care, 46(12): 1203-11. doi:10.1097/MLR.0b013e31817d931d

Johnston, G., Gao, J., Lavergne, R., Rheaume, D., Dummer, T., & MacIntyre, M. (2008) Palliative radiotherapy: Associations with age and nursing home residency for adults dying of cancer in Nova Scotia, 2000-2004. Journal of Palliative Care, 24(3): 210.

Lawson, B., Burge, F., Johnston, G., & Grunfeld, E. (2008) Advocating for the disadvantaged at the end of life. Who should primary care be concerned about? Family Medicine, 40: Supplement 1.

Lawson, B., Burge, F.I., Critchley, P., & McIntyre, P. (2006) Factors associated with multiple transitions in care during the end of life following enrollment in a comprehensive palliative care program. BMC Palliative Care, 5(4).    *Free PMC article.
