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Quality End of Life Cancer Care for the Elderly

Project Leads: Paul McIntyre and Eva Grunfeld

Trainees: Elsie Rolls, Monique Lanoix, Christine Beck, Meaghan O'Brien, Jen Jensen Sarbjeet Singh

Objectives: The aim of this research is to improve the quality of care for elderly persons at end of life in continuing care and other community based settings.

NELS News, Issue 3


Christine Beck, 2010 - ICE Work in Progress Session
 Improving End of Life Care in Long Term Care Facilities: Perspectives of Heath Care providers (with audio)


Jensen, J.L., Travers, A.H., Bardua, D.J., Dobson, T., Cox, B., McVey, J., Cain, E., Merchant, R., & Carter A.J.E. (2013) Transport outcomes and dispatch determinants in a paramedic long-term care program: a pilot study. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 15(4): 206-13.

Lawson, B., Burge, F., McIntyre, P., Field, S., & Maxwell, D. (2009) Can the introduction of an integrated service model to an existing comprehensive palliative care service impact emergency department visits among enrolled patients? Journal of Palliative Medicine,12(3): 245-52. doi:10.1089/jpm.2008.0217

Lanoix, M. (2009) Palliative care and Parkinson's disease: managing the chronic-palliative interface. Chronic Illness, 5: 46-55. doi:10.1177/1742395309102819

Johnston, G., Gao, J., Lavergne, R., Rheaume, D., Dummer, T., & MacIntyre, M. (2008) Palliative radiotherapy: Associations with age and nursing home residency for adults dying of cancer in Nova Scotia, 2000-2004. Journal of Palliative Care, 24(3): 210.

O'Brien, M. B., Johnston, G., Gao, J., & Dewar, R. (2007) End-of-life care for nursing home residents dying from cancer in Nova Scotia, Canada, 2000-2003. Supportive Care in Cancer, 15(9): 1015-21.    *Free PMC article
