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Children & Youth

Palliative Care for Children and Youth with Chronic Disease

Project Lead: Gerri Frager (PubMed articles)

Trainees: Jessica Dooley, Jennifer Wililams, Patricia Murray, Rebecca Earle

Objectives: To carry out qualitative research and establish population based indicators of quality end of life care relevant to infants, children, and youth.


Ed's Story: The Dragon Chronicles

A play resulting from a journal kept by Ed, a 16-year old with advanced bone cancer, during his last four months of life. The play was commissioned by Dr. Gerri Frager, Medical Director of the IWK’s Pediatric Palliative Care Service and Dalhousie University’s Medical Humanities-HEALS Program.


Jennifer Williams, 2010
• Master Thesis - Neonatal Palliative Care: Inter-Professional Communication and Collaboration

Alison Zwaagstra, 2009
Children and Youth Deaths in Nova Scotia from 1998 to 2005 [PDF]

Presentations [PDFs]

Alix Carter, Rebecca Earle, et al., 2011
Breaking down silos: Building better palliative care


Carter A.J.E., Earle, R., Gregoire, M-C., MacConnell, G., & Frager, G. (2012) Breaking down silos: Building better palliative care.  Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 14(3): abstract.

Related and relevant publications

Holly R.L. Richardson, 2013
Seeing the Arcane in the Mundane: The Spiritual as Lived by Ill Children, PhD Thesis. Dalhousie University, June 2013.

Widger, K. & Wilkins, K. (2004) What are the key components of quality perinatal and pediatric end-of-life care? A literature review. Journal of Palliative Care, 20, 105-112.
