Grace Johnston
Professor Emeritus

Related Information
Research Topics:
- End of life and palliative care
- Epidemiology
- Assessing the quality of data in population registries
- Administrative databases
- Record linkage
- Inter-professional learning
- Cancer control
Dr. Johnston focused on researching palliative and end-of-life care. She led the Network of End of Life Studies and was a consultant epidemiologist with the Cancer Care Program, Nova Scotia Health Authority.
- BSc in Honours Biophysics, McGill University
- MHSA, University of Alberta
- Ph.D. in Epidemiology, University of Western Ontario
Selected Publications
- Tweel M, Johnston GM, Hajizadeh M (2023) Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in breast cancer incidence among women in Canada. Cancer Control. 30:1-8 DOI: 10.1177/10732748231197580
- Hajizadeh M, Charles M, Johnston GM, Urquhart R (2022) Socioeconomic inequalities in colorectal cancer incidence in Canada: trends over two decades. Cancer Causes and Control 33(2):193-204
- Taghavi M, Johnston G, Urquhart R, Henderson D, Tschupruk C, Tupala B (2021) Workforce Planning for Community-based Palliative Care Specialist Teams using Operations Research. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 61(5):2012-22
- Johnston G (2020) Jesus practiced Advance Care Planning. Palliative Medicine Reports 1(1):242-245
- Park G, Johnston G, Urquhart R, Walsh G, McCallum M (2018) Comparing enrolees to non-enrolees of cancer patient navigation at end of life. Current Oncology. 25(3):e184-e192
- Johnston G, Urquhart R, Lethbridge L, MacIntyre M (2016) Increasing our understanding of dying of breast cancer: comorbidities and care. Progress in Palliative Care 24(3): 147-152
- Burge F, Lawson B, Johnston G, Asada Y, McIntyre P, Grunfeld E, Flowerdew G (2015) Preferred and actual location of death: What factors enable a preferred home death? Journal of Palliative Medicine 18(12): 1054-9