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Group leader:

Prof. Jesse Maassen

Jesse Maassen is an Associate Professor of Physics at Dalhousie University. He obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s in Engineering Physics from the École Polytechnique de Montréal, followed by a PhD in Physics from McGill University. After working as a postdoctoral fellow in the Electrical Engineering department at Purdue University, he began his faculty appointment at Dal.

Group members:

Dr. Vahid Askarpour

Research associate
First-principles simulations of electronic and thermal transport in materials




Qinxin Zhu

Graduate student
Thermoelectric efficiency of nanoscale devices




Mohammad Rafiee Diznab

Graduate student
First-principles modeling of 2D thermoelectrics




Ethan Gysbertsen

Graduate student
First-principles analysis of inorganic electrides




Peter Lake

Nonlinear bulk electron transport




Former members:

Dr. Maha Bhouri

Postdoctoral Fellow (with Prof. Dominic Groulx)
Theoretical & finite-element modeling of transient heat transfer




Fouad Kaadou

Graduate student
First-principles analysis of inorganic electrides




Patrick Strongman

Graduate student
First-principles modeling of thermal transport in quasi-2D materials



Cameron Rudderham

Graduate student
Ab-initio simulations of the thermoelectric properties of non-parabolic, 2D semiconductors




Braulio Beltran-Pitarch

Visiting graduate student (Universitat Jaume I, Spain)
Theoretical analysis of impedance spectroscopy applied to thermoelectrics




James (Luke) Fraser-Leach

Exploration of the best bandstructure for thermoelectric performance




Yi Ming Chang

Nonlinear bulk electron transport  




Christian Fitzner

Exploration of the optimal transport distribution for thermoelectric performance




Ali Binai-motlagh

DFT calculations of defect formation energies in semiconductors




Cyrus Robertson-Orkish

Thermal transport properties of nanoscale 3D heat sources




Jeremy Peters

Exact solution of the Boltzmann transport equation for calculating thermoelectric parameters




Fouad Kaadou

Joule heating in nanoscale electrical conductors




William Ounjian

DFT investigation of inorganic electrides




Dan Abarbanel

Ballistic effects in thermal transport



