Dan CrousePhD

Research Associate, Department of Sociology, UNB


Dan L Crouse, Phd

Dan is a Research Associate in the Department of Sociology at the University of New Brunswick.  He is also affiliated with the Maritime SPOR Support Unit (MSSU; http://www.spor-maritime-srap.ca) and with the New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data, and Training (NB-IRDT; http://www.unb.ca/fredericton/arts/nbirdt/).  

Dan’s research is at the intersection of health geography and environmental epidemiology; that is, how characteristics of places and where people live, influence their possibilities for health and patterns of disease outcomes.  His research bridges knowledge on the environmental and the social determinants of health.  Specifically, Dan has been involved in a number of studies investigating the impact of exposure to ambient air pollution on adverse health outcomes, including risk of mortality, adverse birth outcomes, and incidence of cancer.