Welcome to IATUL 2016

Library Leadership in a Sea of Change

The International Association of University Libraries (IATUL) invites you to attend the 37th Annual IATUL Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

From June 5-9, 2016, the Dalhousie Libraries welcomes you to Dalhousie University's brand new Collaborative Health Education Building (5793 University Avenue) for five days of stimulating presentations and discussions about academic libraries and leadership.

The Conference will be held under the heading of "Library Leadership in a Sea of Change"

Make use of this opportunity to discover state of the art developments in librarianship and to catch up with colleagues from all over the world.

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event in Halifax!

Welcome from the IATUL President

Eight hundred years ago, Thomas Aquinas said, ‘If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever’. No that long ago, Steve Jobs mentioned that ‘Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower’.

A true library leader takes risks, is innovative, and has a vision of the future of their domain. This encompasses a complex infrastructure, distribution of substantial resources, and above all the well-being of library personnel.

Effective library leadership entails a high level of responsibility, and requires both expertise and emotional intelligence. I believe the best way to develop and sustain these qualities is in interaction with colleagues and friends who share similar challenges.

The International Association of University Libraries has always stood for innovation and global networking of library services, and since its inception in 1955 has had the pleasure and honour to welcome many thousands of library directors and senior managers to 36 Annual Conferences, and a variety of workshops and seminars at major cities around the world.

The topic of the 37th Annual IATUL Conference in Halifax goes to the core of IATUL’s mission by directly and unswervingly addressing the primary mandate of our association – interchange at decision level, again providing an ‘international forum for the exchange of ideas relevant to librarianship in universities throughout the world’.

Library Leadership is indeed in a Sea of Change, at times a very stormy sea. This is a challenge for all stakeholders: service providers, clients, and our commercial partners, all strongly represented in Halifax this year. We will be sharing ideas and initiatives to help us all achieve the best results possible.

I look forward to meeting you personally, and discussing approaches to your challenges in information management at Dalhousie University campus.

Best wishes,

Reiner Kallenborn
IATUL President