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Great news, we're full!  Registration has now been closed.  


Registration Fees

All prices are plus 15% HST

Category Amount
EDC Member $400.00 +HST
Early Bird EDC Member (by January 15, 2020)  $325.00 +HST
Non-EDC Member $450.00 +HST
Early Bird non-EDC Member (by January 15, 2020) $400.00 +HST
Student  $280.00 +HST

Now Accepting Bursary Applications for the 2020 EDC Conference

The EDC Conference and Institute Bursary Fund is intended to support new professionals without professional development funds. We invite graduate students and early career educational developers (up to 3 years experience) who do not have professional development funds to apply to the EDC bursary fund to receive financial assistance to attend the conference.

The amount of each bursary will be up to a maximum of the cost of conference and pre-conference fees. The exact amount of the bursary will depend on the number of successful applications.

To apply to the fund: Complete the EDC Bursary Application Form. Email your application to Natasha Hannon, EDC Vice-Chair, Awards and Recognition by Monday, December 9th, 2019*.

*Note:  Unless the deadline is formally extended by the EDC, bursary applications submitted after the posted deadline will not be accepted for review.
