Xmas dinner alternatives
Changing Traditions: The Impact of Rising Food Prices on Holiday Meals
HALIFAX, December 1, 2023—The holiday season is fast approaching and Canadians, new and old, and of many cultures and backgrounds,celebrate by sharing food with loved ones. For many,traditional Christmas foodssuch as Turkey are front and centre, with vegetable dishes playing supporting roles. But as the demographic makeup of Canada changes, so too does the Christmas table, with many choosing plant-based alternativesor creating a hybrid holidaywith traditional meals from home countries, that serve all the warmth of family, whichis so important this time of year.
Media Contacts
Dr. Sylvain Charlebois, Director Agri-Food Analytics Lab,
Dalhousie University
Janet Music, Research Program Coordinator
Agri-Food Analytics Lab,
Dalhousie University
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