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Pulling the Red Card on Racism: Teaming Up to Transform Sport & Recreation

Posted by Office for Equity & Inclusion, Human Rights & Equity Services on March 12, 2024 in General Announcements

Hosted by Dalhousie’s Office for Equity & Inclusion, the Human Rights & Equity Conference brings together community members to share in crucial dialogues on issues impacting the university community and beyond. This year will be the Conference’s 4th annual gathering and as per tradition, will be held on March 21st, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The 2024 Conference Theme: “Pulling the Red Card on Racism: Teaming Up to Transform Sport & Recreation”

In the wake of Dalhousie signing Recreation Nova Scotia’s Anti-Racism Charter–the first university to do so– this year’s theme seeks to promote awareness and action for racial equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility across the field of sport and recreation. Through open and engaged dialogue, the conference encourages attendees to critically reflect, connect and celebrate the work that academics, athletes, coaches and communities are undertaking to mobilize for change-making. The conference’s theme also reflects Dalhousie’s commitment to the Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Flourishing in Universities and Colleges which we signed in 2021.

This year’s conference is a free, one-day event. It is comprised of three events, including:

Virtual panel discussion (12–1:30 p.m. AST)

Across identities, experiences and expertise, the following panelist speakers will be joining us, including Dr. Ornella Nzindukiyimana, Matt Smith, Abbi Gaudry and Fawn Logan-Young. The panel will be moderated by Dr. Barb Hamilton-Hinch.

Register for the virtual panel discussion.

In-person film screening (3–4:30 p.m. AST)

Join us in the Ko'jua Okuom in Killam Library for an exciting film screening of Spirit of the Game (2003) a film about the North American Indigenous Games. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Captioning provided.

Register for the in-person film screening

Virtual keynote speaker (7–8:30 p.m. AST)

In a fireside chat between colleagues, Dr. Theresa Rajack-Talley will share in a discussion with keynote speaker, Dr. Ivan Joseph, breaking down and building up their visions for transformative change in sport and recreation.

Register for the virtual keynote.

If you have questions about the Conference, including but not limited to accessibility, please contact the organizers at