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What It's Like: Share your perspectives on living with disability

Posted by Accessibility Advisory Committee/Communications, Marketing and Creative Services on November 22, 2023 in Community Highlights

Dalhousie's second-annual Accessibility Week is coming up from Nov. 27—Dec.1. Like last year, the university will be hosting a series of events and initiatives — more info on those here — during the week to educate and build support around this critical issue. We'll be bringing back one of our most popular initiatives from last year, the What It's Like web series showcasing first-person stories from our campus community of people's experiences living with visible or invisible disabilities.

Those who'd like to submit to the series are invited to answer a few questions (see below) and share via email — or, if preferred, can answer these in a short interview by phone or Teams if time allows. Stories will then be shared on Today@Dal periodically as we receive them.

People may choose to share their names or remain anonymous (Note: names will be visible to individuals receiving submissions by email or conducting interviews).

Our questions for you:

  • Tell us a little about yourself and your role here at Dal. (Note: If remaining anonymous, this prompt can be skipped — or, simply share as much detail as you feel comfortable doing).

  • What do you wish people knew about your disability?

  • What accessibility changes would have the biggest impact on your experience here at Dal?

If you’re interested in sharing your experiences navigating university life with a visible or invisible disability, please contact us at with answers to the above questions or to set up a short interview.

Learn more about Dal's university-wide Accessibility Plan.