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Applications for Lab2Market Discover are now open

Posted by Dal Innovates on November 21, 2023 in General Announcements

Lab2Market Discover is offered free of cost and is open to any STEM researcher (Masters, Ph.D., and Postdoc) in Canada interested in learning about the steps needed to commercialize research and whether entrepreneurship is a path they can or should pursue. The program is designed for researchers who are completing their studies full-time. With the online readings, work, and interactive webinars, your maximum time commitment is three hours per week.

Over 10 weeks, you will explore the opportunities and challenges in entrepreneurship as an alternative career path – from the various potential applications of your technology to creating a network in the ecosystem.

Lab2Market Discover is run nationally and is currently hosted in Ontario, Atlantic Canada, and Manitoba. We encourage you to visit to register for the Winter 2024 Lab2Market Discover program.