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Implementing ‘Ungrading’ At the Graduate Level: An Instructor’s Perspective on Strategies to Reduce Students' Fear Of Failure, Encourage Risk Taking, And Prioritize Mental Health

Posted by Centre for Learning and Teaching on August 28, 2023 in General Announcements



When: Tuesday, October 17: 11-12 ADT

Where: This is an online session and will be offered on Teams.

Presenter: Dr. Krystal Nunes, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biology, Toronto Metropolitan University

Description: Faculty in the disciplines of environmental science, statistics, and education at Toronto Metropolitan University each implemented ungrading in their graduate level courses. This session will review their experiences in implementing ungrading using this interdisciplinary approach. We will explore the benefits and challenges of ungrading, review students’ perspectives of the process, and provide suggested approaches for instructors considering implementing ungrading in their own classrooms as they work on creating an accessible and equitable grading system for their students.

CLT Facilitator: Dr. Shazia Nawaz Awan, Educational Developer- Internationalization & Intercultural Competency

Intended audience: Faculty members, instructors, department chairs.