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New Support Group for those Caring for Children with Additional Support Needs

Posted by Human Resources on April 17, 2023 in General Announcements

When you're the parent or carer of a child with additional support needs, various aspects of the caregiving role get magnified. Playdates can become complex projects requiring diplomacy, support, and vast quantities of time and patience. Trips to the doctor are more frequent, time-consuming, and fraught with worry. Shopping excursions can result in sensory and emotional overloads for both you and the child. Socializing with family and friends who don’t understand can result in judgemental stares and comments, making you feel like a bad parent.

A new support group for Dal employees and students is meeting for the first time on April 19, 2023 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. online via MS Teams. Register at to be sent an invitation to the online meeting.

With so much more to think about, worry about, plan for, and manage, it is paramount that you're taking good care of yourself and get support from others who understand.  This support group provides space, connection and advice so you feel heard, validated and supported.
